Kyle Winkler’s new book gets glowing review from industry-leading magazine

Perryville native, Kyle Winkler, son of Dennis and Pat Winkler, celebrates the release of his third Christian book in stores now. Boldly titled, Shut Up, Devil, Winkler uncovers the top 10 lies behind every emotional, psychological, and spiritual battle that people face.

Winkler explains, “In more than a decade of ministry so far—and in my life, too—I’ve seen how common issues such as insecurity, anxiety, shame, and depression are often rooted in what we’ve been made to believe about ourselves.” Beliefs such as, “God is punishing you,” “You are unlovable” and “You don’t belong,” he calls “devil-crafted lies.” He asserts, “Mind games and emotional battles end as people confront these lies with the biblical truths about God’s unconditional love and grace.”


The book’s message comes across clear. It was selected recently for review by Publishers Weekly, a leading magazine that influences what bookstores carry. They concluded, “His relentless positivity and message of God’s love is unmistakable. This is an engaging volume by an insightful storyteller and biblical interpreter.” Shut Up, Devil also received praise from bestselling Christian authors John Bevere and Susie Larson.

Winkler earned a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from Regent University. He resides in Orlando, Florida, where he leads Kyle Winkler Ministries. His book, Shut Up, Devil: Silencing the 10 Lies Behind Every Battle You Face is available at or wherever books are sold.