President Biden turns to biofuels to decrease costs, increase energy security

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.–President Biden will use existing authority to grant an emergency waiver for E15, fuel blended with 15 percent ethanol, often marketed as Unleaded 88. Missouri Corn Growers Association President Jay Schutte of Benton City welcomed the decision that prevents drivers from losing access to lower-cost and cleaner-burning fuel.


“We applaud today’s announcement from the Biden administration to keep the door open for E15 throughout the summer driving season. With ethanol selling 80 cents to a dollar less than wholesale gasoline, this emergency declaration couldn’t come at a better time for drivers suffering at the pump.


“America’s corn farmers and local ethanol plants are deeply committed to playing a larger role in addressing today’s energy needs. The renewable fuel industry has been built from the ground up with the simple goal of increasing America’s energy security. From inception to today, that mission has not changed. Ethanol remains a renewable solution that does not require drilling or fracking. Not only is this solution good for the consumers and good for the environment, but it is also a step toward reducing our dependence on foreign oil.


“There’s been a call for more American oil from American soil. As corn farmers, we wholeheartedly agree. Corn-based ethanol starts with a seed in the ground, capturing the sun’s energy, then harvested and refined into a cost-effective, high octane, low carbon fuel source that helps minimize greenhouse gases and maximize performance. But the answer goes beyond today’s emergency waiver. We need to work toward a long-term, permanent solution that includes higher blends of locally refined ethanol. America’s corn farmers stand ready to answer the call.”