Schimpf grateful for motor fuel tax freeze, but people of Illinois deserve more

WATERLOO, Ill. – Republican candidate for governor Paul Schimpf released the following statement in response to the state budget agreement with state Democrats:

“While I am grateful that the Illinois Motor Fuel Tax will temporarily be frozen while still ensuring the Road Fund receives the resources necessary to make continued repairs and upgrades to the vital transportation infrastructure of Illinois, the people of this state deserve so much more.

To renew Illinois, it’s going to take much more than just soundbites, it’s going to take real tax reform that doesn’t hurt our residents, businesses, or quality of life, it’s going to take real solutions that lower costs, and it’s going to take a governor who isn’t afraid to go against the status quo to help Illinoisans. And the status quo is what this proposed budget is more of.

This is why we need a new start in Illinois and not more of same from Springfield. Instead of focusing on the same failed approaches, our leaders should embrace forward-thinking ideas like a “No Tax on Tax” constitutional amendment that will begin to restore Illinoisans’ trust in their government. But like all the previous Pritzker budgets, this is another squandered opportunity; heavy on soundbites and light on solutions.

From the state budget to the ways we provide relief to residents, let’s think bigger and do more to renew our state—the people of Illinois deserve better.”

About Paul Schimpf: Paul Schimpf served as a State Senator for the 58th Senate District, is a Marine Corps Veteran who serviced in Iraq, and served as the chief American attorney advisor to Iraqi prosecutors in the trial of Saddam Hussein. Paul and his family live in rural Monroe County.