United Methodist Men host pancake breakfast this Saturday

By Jim Beers, Contributing Writer

   CHESTER – After having to postpone last year’s Annual Methodist Men’s Pancake Breakfast due to COVID-19 precautions and shut downs, the Methodist Men of the First United Methodist Church in Chester are very pleased to be bring back the popular event THIS SATURDAY April 2nd.

First United Methodist Men (left to right) Jim Beers, President; Bob Koenegstein, Secretary, A.G. Bierman, John Pinks, Past President; and Pastor Jim Oppedal, pose for a photo Sunday March 27 prior to the start of church to encourage everyone to attend the 2022 Methodist Men Pancake Breakfast.  Sara Hammel Photo


The delicious all-you-can-eat breakfast will take place at the FUMC Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:30 a.m. and lasting until 11:00 a.m.


The menu will consist of the usual pancakes, sausage links, coffee, orange juice and milk.  Methodist Men secretary, Bob Koenegstein, states that after trying smaller sausage links for several years, the men have decided to return to the larger, thicker links this year.


“We experimented with smaller sausage links for a year or two because we were having a lot of waste using the bigger, quarter pound homemade links.  Many people stated that they enjoyed the thicker links, so we decided to return to the bigger, thicker links again this year.  We listen to our customer’s suggestions!”


Proceeds from the breakfast go towards funding numerous projects and missions fostered by the UMM. One of those include funding the Methodist Men’s College Scholarships for Methodist students of the Church.  This annual project has been ongoing since 1962 and over the past 60 years more than 125 scholarships have been awarded.


The Methodist Men also provide summer Church Camp funding for children and youth who want to attend camps.  The most popular camp attended in this area is the Little Grassy United Methodist Church camp in Makanda, Illinois.  Methodist Men and Women have helped sponsor kids with camperships for decades and have extended the invitations for this summer of 2022.


Other missions, functions, and organizations in which the men have contributed include the Chester High School Music Department; Little Grassy Methodist Church Camp; Society of St. Andrew Food Program; Midwest Distribution Center; Southern Illinois University Wesley Foundation; United Methodist Women projects; Relay for Life; Church improvements; Church-Wide Easter Sunrise Breakfast; CHS Theatre Productions; Church Nativity Scene; Poinsettias at Christmas time; Our Conference Our Kids Program; Hospitality House; Operation Christmas Child; and other First United Methodist Church Missions and Programs.


The cost for the delicious all-you-can-eat breakfast is just $9.00 for adults, $4.00 for school age children. Children under the age of 5 eat FREE!


FUMC Pastor, Jim Oppedal stated, “Most people enjoy coming to our breakfast for the great food at a great price!  Many also enjoy the great fellowship offered with their meals and have a good time sitting and visiting with friends throughout the morning of the event.  All are welcome regardless of their motivations!”


Dining-in is a fun-and-filling experience, however carry-outs are also available by stopping by the event, or calling ahead (618) 826-2549.  Tickets are now on sale at the Church Office (Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.) or by seeing any Methodist man throughout the week.  Walk-ins are also encouraged!