CHS Science classes beautify campus in preparation for Earth Day 2022

By Jim Beers, contributing writer

   CHESTER – Earth Day 2022 is still a month away, but Chester High School Science classes got a “jump-start” on getting the campus ready for the 1st Annual School-Wide Earth Day Celebration to take place April 22.

Monday March 21 numerous CHS Science students worked throughout the morning weeding, planting and mulching various flower beds on the CHS campus. It was the first official full day of Spring 2022 and weather conditions were perfect for beautifying the various flower beds that will soon be budding with spring flowers. Jim Beers Photo


For the second year-in-a-row CHS Science Teacher, Evelyn Hankins and her fellow Science teacher, Carolyn Kish had their various Science classes work on numerous beautification projects around the campus of CHS.


Hankins said, “Even though Earth Day is not until Friday April 22, we took advantage of the wonderful spring weather Monday March 21 to begin various beautification projects around campus as a preparation for Earth Day 2022.”

Camrynn Howie, CHS junior Biology II student, operates a garden tiller in the flower bed that rests in front of the CHS Science Department windows.  Fellow students, Reese McCormick, Chase Gilbert and Freddie Alvarez prepare to complete the weeding and planting process.  Earth Day 2022 is not until April 22, but science students at CHS are getting a great start to the spring season Monday March 21  on the first official full day of Spring 2022.  Jim Beers Photo


Hankins has served as the coordinator of the event for the second year-in-a-row with Kish acting as her primary assistant from the faculty.  Students in both Hankins’ and Kish’s various classes spent their Monday class periods in the wonderful outdoors working on the beautification projects.


Kish’s Chemistry classes spent their 2nd and 4th hour periods working outside while Hankin’s 3rd and 4th hour Biology II classes were on the job working on various aspects of the project.  During 5th hour the Biology I class was on duty and the AP Biology class rounded out the day 7th hour.

Aden Runge and Korbin Jany man the mulch truck during the 2022 Earth Day work effort at Chester High School Monday March 21. Both boys are members of the Chemistry class at CHS and volunteered to haul mulch for the many weeding and planting efforts taking place on the front lawn throughout the event.  Jim Beers Photo  


Hankins said, “Today we cleaned all of the garden beds on campus and did a lot of mulching.  We weeded beds and dead-headed plants and bushes and mulched to prevent weeds from growing.  Our goal is to plant fresh flowers and do some transplanting once the weather stabilizes a bit.”


“Camrynn Howie actually ran a garden tiller through the newer gardens in front of the Science Department windows and her Biology II co-workers, Reese McCormick, Chase Gilbert and Freddie Alvarez tended to the mulching and prep work for planting which will come a bit later.”

Biology II students Cristen Tucker, Megan Miller, and Jordanna Frazer weed and prepare the main flower bed in front of Chester High School for planting as Chemistry students Korbin Jany and Aden Runge deliver a load of mulch to use in the project.  The event was part of an annual CHS Earth Day effort that was held appropriately on the first full day of Spring 2022 Monday March 21.  Jim Beers Photo


In the morning shift, Korbin Jany and Aden Runge from the Chemistry class, manned the mulching truck keeping all of the workers supplied with fresh mulch.


Biology II students, Cristen Tucker, Megan Miller, and Jordanna Frazer worked on cleaning and prepping the large, brick, raised flower bed that rests by the sidewalk in front of the CHS Administration building.

Chester High School Biology II students (left to right) Camrynn Howie, Reese McCormick, Freddie Alvarez, and Chase Gilbert, work getting one of the flower beds on campus ready for spring planting during a CHS Earth Day event held on the first full day of spring 2022 Monday March 21.  Jim Beers Photo


On the far side of campus in front of Colbert Gym Madi Kribs and Emily Mehrer put the finishing touches on one of the newer flower beds that was weeded and prepped and already had new spring flowers blooming that were planted last year.


All students that were interviewed throughout the day stated that they were having a really good time and enjoyed making the campus look better for spring of 2022.  It was the first full day of spring and temperatures were in the high 60’s most of the afternoon.  During the morning sessions, it was still sunny and comfortable in the high 50’s and low 60’s.

Chester High School Biology II students, Emily Mehrer and Madi Kribs work in the flower bed at the Handicapped entrance to CHS and Colbert Gymnasium Monday March 21 during Earth Day 2022 clean-up efforts.  Jim Beers Photo 


Hankins said, “This year we will have our first school-wide Earth Day celebration.  We intend to be involved in some community clean-up and beautification projects and on campus we will be celebrating all day with planting flowers and doing more beautification of the campus.”

“Furthermore, we will have time for various games, a BBQ, and other Earth Day activities to further educate and foster the overall Earth Day concepts for all students and staff at CHS.”


“Even though this is our second Earth Day beautification effort on campus, this year will be the First Annual School-Wide Earth Day celebration which will last all day Friday April 22, on Earth Day 2022.”