Illinois engineers support policies to prioritize the state’s infrastructure

SPRINGFIELD – As the country celebrates National Engineering Week, the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC Illinois) has announced its 2022 ‘Prioritize Our Infrastructure’ Agenda. The agenda includes several pieces of legislation that will ensure Illinois’ physical infrastructure projects continue to be well-funded by the state and completed by the most qualified professionals in the industry.


“Illinois’ engineers, architects, land surveyors, and other specialists are the first workers on the job for the state’s highest priority infrastructure projects. Their professionalism, constant innovation, and commitment to quality and efficiency are what has made Illinois the infrastructure hub of the nation,” said Kevin Artl, president and CEO of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois. “With historic infrastructure funding at the state and federal level, Illinois’ engineers are ready to get to work to make these investments a reality. The American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois is proud to lead these legislative efforts to ensure that our state leaders continue to prioritize our infrastructure by investing in the projects and people that make our state an infrastructure leader.” 


The 2022 Prioritize Our Infrastructure Agenda


Keep the Rebuild Illinois Promise

As a proposal is floated in Springfield to defer the annual adjustment of the state’s Motor Fuel Tax, the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois is calling on legislators to keep their promise to Illinoisans by preserving critical funding for needed improvements and investments in our state’s physical infrastructure.


Incentivize Engineering Talent for IDOT

SB 3742 (Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago)

With shortages in qualified engineers facing the industry, this legislation would enable IDOT to provide student loan repayment assistance to qualifying employees that meet certain requirements, helping to incentivize educated professionals to work on the state’s highest priority infrastructure projects. 


Retain Illinois Students of Engineering (RISE) Tax Credit

HB 2498 (Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines) and SB 2477 (Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago)

Helping attract and retain engineers as the industry faces a shortage of educated talent, this legislation provides for a tax credit of 10% of the salary paid to recent graduates of Illinois’ engineering schools and 5% of the salary paid to recent graduates of engineering schools outside of Illinois.


State Innovation Tax Credit

HB 392 (Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines)

This legislation creates a State of Illinois innovation tax credit that would be administered by the Department of Revenue, rather than the IRS, aiding in the state’s goal of attracting more research and development programs to Illinois.


Certificate of Merit for Civil Suits

HB 701 (Rep. Deanne Mazzochi, R-Elmhurst) and SB 1815 (Sen. Don DeWitte, R-St. Charles)

To reduce the cost of frivolous litigation, this legislation would require a civil engineer to sign an affidavit certifying that malpractice may have taken place in his or her professional opinion before a suit can be filed against an engineer or firm.


Reaffirm Commitment to Qualifications-Based Selection Process

HR 682 (Sen. Tim Butler, R-Springfield)

Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) Processes have proven to protect taxpayers, drive innovation, encourage diversity, and deliver projects on-time and on-budget. This resolution will renew the state’s commitment to QBS which is already the long-standing policy of the State of Illinois, considered the industry standard, and is required by law in 46 states.



About the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois

Representing hundreds of companies, we are the voice of the engineering industry in Illinois. With roots dating back more than 100 years, ACEC Illinois represents more than 11,000 engineers, architects, land surveyors and other specialists. Our primary mission is to strengthen the business environment for our member firms through government advocacy, political action, and business education. For more information, visit