Governor Parson proclaims National FFA Week in Missouri

JEFFERSON CITY – On behalf of nearly 26,000 members of Missouri FFA, Governor Mike Parson has proclaimed February 19-26, 2022, to be National FFA Week in Missouri. Missouri FFA President Kaitlin Kleiboeker of Pierce City received the proclamation on behalf of the 2021-2022 Missouri FFA State Officer team. Nearly 300 Missouri FFA members joined the Governor on the steps of the Missouri Capitol to celebrate.


“Every year it is a pleasure to get to recognize National FFA Week in the Show-Me State and to take the opportunity to demonstrate our agricultural roots by driving a tractor to work,” Governor Parson said. “The First Lady and I both come from farm families and truly believe our state’s future leaders are part of this exceptional group of young people in the Missouri FFA. We are always impressed by their determination, work ethic, and innovative outlook, and it is an honor to stand with them today.”


For the fourth consecutive year, Governor Parson drove a John Deere tractor to the Capitol in honor of the FFA tradition of students driving their tractor to school during National FFA Week. Along with the Governor, Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe joined in on the tradition again this year, demonstrating their ties to agriculture and commitment to FFA students.