‘Empower Women, Promote Life Act’ set for public hearing

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – State Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman’s efforts to protect the lives of the unborn have taken an important step forward as her Empower Women, Promote Life Act has now been referred to committee and will soon receive a public hearing. Coleman’s HB 1987 was referred to the House Special Committee on Government Oversight by House Speaker Rob Vescovo.


Coleman thanked Vescovo for referring her bill, which is meant to strengthen the state’s existing pro-life laws so that Missouri has some of the most comprehensive protections in the nation for mothers and their unborn children.


“I want to thank the Speaker for his support of our pro-life efforts and for making this bill a priority that will receive the consideration of the House early on in session,” said Coleman, R-Arnold. “We have strong pro-life majorities in the General Assembly and I’m confident we will have ample support for these much-needed protections in both the House and Senate.”


Coleman also thanked state Rep. Jered Taylor, who chairs the Special Committee on Government Oversight, for his support of laws that protect the unborn and his willingness to hold a public hearing to discuss HB 1987.


“Rep. Taylor is a vocal advocate for the pro-life movement and someone who has fought diligently for protections for the unborn. I want to thank him for moving this bill forward and for giving the public an opportunity to make their voices heard on this important issue,” said Coleman.


Coleman’s HB 1987 would strengthen Missouri law to ensure state revenues are not utilized to fund abortion providers. The bill also contains language similar to the Texas Heartbeat Act that took effect in Texas in September. Coleman’s bill would prohibit most abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. It also would provide private citizens with the ability to bring a civil suit against abortion providers who violate Missouri’s pro-life laws and anyone who aids a women in getting an unlawful abortion procedure. Additionally, the bill includes provisions to prohibit dilation and evacuation, also known as dismemberment, abortions, and to protect children who survive a failed abortion attempt.