Jackets earn (22) 1st Place ratings, (4) 2nd Place ratings, and (1) 3rd Place rating
By Jim Beers
CHESTER – Chester High School music students traveled to Herrin High School in Herrin, Illinois Saturday March 8 to compete in the 2025 IHSA Solo and Ensemble Contest. The group of YellowJackets competed in both Vocal and Instrumental categories bringing home a total of 27 awards.
The musicians were led by Chester High School Music Director, Steve Colonel, who teaches both choral and instrumental groups at CHS. Instrumental groups include Marching Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, and Concert Band. Choral groups include Concert Choir and swing choir, “Sound Affect”.
At the solo and ensemble contest students can either perform solos or in small ensembles such as duets, trios, quartets, etc.
At the 2025 Solo and Ensemble Contest at Herrin, Chester entered 15 vocal performances and 12 instrumental performances. Of the vocal performances CHS had 14 solos and just one was an ensemble. The ensemble was a duet. Of the instrumental entries, all 12 were solo performances.
Performances of either category, vocal or instrumental, could be either accompanied by a pianist or unaccompanied. Of Chester’s 27 performances, 26 were accompanied and just one was unaccompanied. Accompanists for the Chester students were Vicky Beers and Melanie Johnson. Beers accompanied the instrumental performances and Johnson accompanied the vocal performances.
For the day, Chester High School musicians earned a total of (22) 1st Place ratings, four 2nd Place ratings and one 3rd Place rating. Vocal performances earned (13) 1st Place ratings, one 2nd Place rating and one 3rd Place rating. Instrumental performances earned nine 1st Place ratings and three 2nd Place ratings.
Vocal Performances (15)
Vocal performances are listed below by rating, student, and title of the musical performance. Melanie Johnson accompanied all vocal performances.
1st Place Ratings (13)
Natalie Guethle “A New Life”
Raven Renderer “Reflection”
Erin Liefer “On My Own”
Abby Carter “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again”
Will Welge “Corner of the Sky”
Jason Sibley “If I Were a Rich Man”
Alyssa Stehl “The Girl in 14G”
Mirra Krieg “Shy”
Megan Zimmer “Till There Was You”
Nico De Guzman “Old Devil Moon”
Jaden Lopez “Bring Him Home”
Addy Gottschammer “What I Did For Love”
Mixed Ensemble (Duet)
Jason Sibley & Megan Zimmer “All I Ask of You”
2nd Place Rating (1)
Toby Gercis “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again”
3rd Place Rating (1)
Ashlyn Via “As Long As He Needs Me”
Instrumental Performances (12)
Instrumental performances are listed by rating, student, Instrument, and title of the instrumental performance. Vicky Beers accompanied all instrumental performances. All were solos.
1st Place Ratings (9)
David August Marimba “Bocherini’s Menuet”
Nico De Guzman Clarinet “Promenade”
Will Welge Oboe “Sonata no. 1”
Natalie Guethle Clarinet “Allegretto Fantasia”
Erin Liefer Saxophone “Melodie”
Alyssa Stehl Trumpet “Sarabande and Gavotte”
Jason Sibley Snare Drum “Colonial Episode”
Megan Zimmer Flute “Serenade”
Anna Menefee Flute “Menuet”
2nd Place Ratings (3)
Natalie Guetersloh Flute “Serenade”
Emily Gruenewald Flute “Menuet and Spirit Dance”
Abby Carter Clarinet “Fantasie Piece”
Upcoming Music Department events
Addams Family Musical: CHS presents “The Addams Family” musical Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday March 20, 21, 22, and 23. Event is in the Juergens Gym on Juergens stage. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 7:00 p.m. and Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets on sale at CHS Office: $10 Adults and $7 Students and at the door on the day of performance.
IHSA Organizational Contest: The Organizational Contest (when the entire band and choral groups perform) is Friday April 11, at The Murphysboro High School.
CHS Spring Concert: The CHS Spring Concert and Awards Night is Tuesday May 6 at 6:30 p.m. in CHS Colbert Memorial Gymnasium.