CHESTER – The January Jackets of the Month at Chester Grade School have been announced.
They are (left to right) Brantley Hall, Kindergarten; Cora Hargis, 1st Grade; Bennett Carter, 2nd Grade; Hank Utz, 3rd Grade; Kinsley Middendorf, 7th Grade; and Myra Yankey, 8th Grade. Students that were not present for the photo include: Adrian Perez Lopez, 4th Grade; Breanna Johnson, 5th Grade; and Carter Davitz, 6th Grade. Photo by Jim Beers
Each grade level selects “one” student who demonstrates all four of the “HIVE” good character traits of Respect, Responsibility, Safety, and Empathy.
Each chosen “Jacket of the Month” receives a certificate, five “HIVE” points, and they are recognized at the monthly all-school assembly.
At the end of the year, all of the “Jackets of the Month” will be invited to a special recognition party.
The “Jacket of the Month”: program is organized and coordinated by Kasey Crook, School Social Worker.