SPRINGFIELD, ILL. – An incident in St. Clair County last week could possibly be the catalyst for legislation filed by House Minority Leader Tony McCombie (R-Savanna) in 2018 to finally become a reality.
On Thursday, the St. Clair County sheriff’s department was requested to respond with an investigator from DCFS to check on the well being of a child. While at the home, a fight occurred between the investigators and a 28 year old Bellville resident. The man was able to disarm an officer and fired the officer’s gun. No one was injured.
Tuesday on the House floor, Leader McCombie addressed the legislation that she has filed every year since the death of DFCS worker Pam Knight of Dixon, who, in 2017 was beaten while trying to take a two year old boy into protective custody in Milledgeville.
McCombie’s original bill stated that if someone attacks a DCFS or Adult Protective Services worker, they would face the same three year minimum as attacking a teacher, or the same three year minimum as attacking a fire fighter. House Democrats have refused to support the legislation due to it being a “Penalty Enhancement.”
Since Knight was killed, a second DCFS worker, Deidre Silas of Springfield was stabbed 43 times and beaten to death with a sledge hammer when she was called to a home in Thayer, about 35 minutes southwest of Springfield, to investigate “a report of abuse and neglect” against the parents of two children living in the home.
McCombie is now sponsoring two new pieces of legislation, both entitled “The Knight-Silas Act” and his hoping this could finally be the year the legislation in passed.