Missouri Conservation Commission Action – February 2025

JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Conservation Commission met Feb. 6 for a workshop and closed executive session and Feb. 7 for its regular open meeting, all at MDC Headquarters, 2901 W. Truman Blvd. in Jefferson City. Commissioners attending the open meeting in person or online were:

  • Margaret F. (Margy) Eckelkamp, Chair
  • Mark L. McHenry, Vice Chair
  • Raymond T. (Ray) Wagner Jr., Secretary
  • Steven D. Harrison, Member

The Commission received the following presentations/reports:

  • Director’s Comments — Jason Sumners, Director
  • Report of the Regulations Committee — Laura Conlee, Deputy Director and Chair, Regulations Committee
  • Department Partnerships —Jason Jensen, Community and Private Land Conservation Branch Chief
  • Communications Update —Heather Feeler, Communications Branch Chief
  • Patterns of Non-Resident Hunting Participation in Missouri —Charles Anderson, Science Unit Supervisor
  • Financial Report and Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Review of Revenue and Expenditure Trends — Melanie Crane, Chief Budget Officer
  • Major Construction Projects Status Report —Jacob Careaga, Infrastructure Management Branch Chief

The Commission:

  • Approved items on the Consent Calendar.
  • Approved the purchase of 3.28 acres in St. Francois County.
  • Approve the purchase of 153 acres in St. Clair County as an addition to Wah’Kon-Tah Prairie Conservation Area.
  • Approved the disposal of the 9.7 acres Buttin Rock Access in Shannon County via a competitive bid process.
  • Approved the sale of an estimated 2,927,499 board feet of timber located on 733 acres of Compartment 20, Current River Conservation Area in Shannon County.
  • Approved the suspension or revocation of one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of 18 individuals:
  1. Zachary A. Baker, St. Joseph, Hunting and Fishing, 2 Years;
  2. Nicholas S. Binder, Maryland Heights, Hunting/Fishing/Trapping, 1 Year;
  3. Cody L. Brinkman, Columbia, Hunting, 1 Year;
  4. Michael W. Candillo, Creighton, Hunting/Fishing/Trapping, 1 Year;
  5. Gregory B. Glover, O’Fallon, Hunting, 1 Year;
  6. Allen Godby, Muskogee (OK), Hunting/Fishing/Trapping, 1 Year;
  7. Royce R. Harris, Farmington, Hunting/Fishing/Trapping, 1 Year;
  8. Dakota B. Henderson, Piedmont, Hunting, Add 7 Years to Current Revocation;
  9. Hrang Cin Lian, Garland (TX), Hunting and Fishing, 2 Years;
  10. Alorie D. Nichols, Centralia, Hunting/Fishing/Trapping, 1 Year;
  11. Payton S. Pargeon, Vandalia, Hunting, 1 Year;
  12. Nam Q. Pham, Springfield, Fishing, 1 Year;
  13. Tashon M. Riney, Farmington, Hunting/Fishing/Trapping, 1 Year;
  14. Corey L. Roberts, Linn, Hunting, 2 Years;
  15. Will G. Stevens, Kentwood (LA), Hunting, 2 Years;
  16. Duane J. Tuthill, Jefferson City, Hunting, 2 Years;
  17. Archi Tzang, Columbia, Hunting and Fishing, 2 Years;
  18. Xuehai Wang, Belleville (IL), Fishing, 2 Years;
  • Approved the suspension of hunting privileges and completion of a hunter education training course no sooner than six months prior to restoration of privileges for the following four individuals who inflicted injury to another person while hunting:
  1. Wade S. Ellison, Winfield, 5 Years and complete Hunter Education;
  2. Jasmin Jatic, St. Louis, 4 Years and complete Hunter Education;
  3. David R. Strunk, Silex, 3 Years and complete Hunter Education; and
  4. JUVENILE, Burleson (TX), 1 Year and complete Hunter Education.
  • Recognized the new cooperative agreement between MDC and the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance to protect habitat and add public and educational opportunities on nearly 785 privately-owned acres of prime wetland habitat in St. Charles County previously known as the Whistling Wings Duck Club.
  • Set the next open meeting for April 4.

This document is provided for public information only and is not an official record of the Missouri Department of Conservation or Missouri Conservation Commission.

To watch recordings of Commission meetings, go to http://on.mo.gov/2nodPJU.