The Ste. Genevieve Museum Learning Center will welcome local historian bob Mueller at its next speaker presentation, Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 6 pm at the Orris Theatre.
Cornwall Copper Mine
Large-scale limestone mining and quarrying became the dominant method of extracting wealth from Ste. Genevieve’s underground resources in the 20th century. In his talk, Bob will relate the lesser-known efforts to extract other stones and minerals beneath the county’s surface from the 18th to the mid-20th century. Among these will be salt, lead, copper, marble, and early limestone extraction. You will also learn about the Ste. Genevieve Geology Field School and the use of our marble in the National Archives. His talk will help you understand why Ste. Genevieve was called “An Eden for a Geologist.”
Ozora Marble Quarry
This presentation is sponsored by Base Rock Materials in Ste. Genevieve.
The presentation is free to museum members, otherwise museum admission will apply.