New fire protection district will be on the April ballot

STE. GENEVIEVE – At a recent court hearing, Circuit Judge Timothy Inman granted approval for the Ste. Genevieve Fire Protection District to be placed on the ballot Tuesday, April 8th, 2025.

Voters will be asked to incorporate the Ste. Genevieve Fire Protection District with a tax rate of $0.30 per $100 assessed valuation on all real and personal property.

Below is a copy of the wording that will be on the April ballot.

There will be additional information coming out in the coming days and weeks.

Please check out the Friends of Ste Genevieve Fire District Facebook page for all future information regarding the proposed district.

The Friends of Ste. Genevieve Fire District have the approval of the Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen to attempt the formation of a fire district.

If you have any questions please reach out through the email address link on the Friends of Ste Genevieve Fire District Facebook page.