Ste. Gen R-2 releases Board Briefs from Jan. 21 Regular Meeting

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve School District R-II has released the “Board Briefs” for the January 21st regular meeting.
The district notes that: This information includes highlights from the Ste. Genevieve County R-II Board of Education’s Jan. 21, 2025, Regular Meeting. This is an unofficial record. The official Board Minutes are posted on the district website and are located on BoardDocs, linked here. The video of the meeting can be found on the district’s Youtube Channel, SGDragonsTV.

The MSBA January Report looks at the recent CES Safety Summit and shares perspectives on the importance of ongoing safety training, as well as includes information about timely upcoming school finance and advocacy events. The MSBA Board Report is a short monthly video featuring the latest news from MSBA and about public education in Missouri. The program is designed to be shown during local school board meetings.




Board members and administrators listen to concerns and respond when appropriate by mail or telephone at a later date. The Board does not respond within the meeting to those who come to offer public comment. In order to speak during public participation, a Public Comment Form must be filled out and submitted to the Board President prior to the beginning of the meeting. See Policy BDDH-1: Public Participation at Board Meetings for guidelines and procedures.





Annual School Board Election — April 8, 2025.


The Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District has completed candidate filing for the district’s Board of Directors. In accordance with § 115.124, RSMo., the district will not hold an election, because the number of candidates filing was equal to the number of open positions. The following candidates will be sworn into office at the School Board’s reorganization meeting on Tuesday, April 15, 2025:


  • Jamie Ballew
  • Josh Gettinger


Kindergarten Registration.


Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will take place on the following dates and times.

  • SGE – Saturday, March 1, 2025 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • BLE – Saturday, March 15, 2025, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Parents may contact the elementary offices beginning Monday, Feb. 3, 2025, to schedule appointments.


Dr. Taylor also took the time to express gratitude for the dedicated efforts of our maintenance and custodial teams, noting their hard work in clearing snow and ice from district facilities during the recent challenging winter weather. He pointed out that their commitment ensured a safe return to school despite the harsh conditions that kept other districts closed.





Prop SG Update.


Wrestling / Athletic Facility:

  • Over the past few months, district administration has shared updates on the upcoming wrestling and athletic facility. Unfortunately, we do not have many options in terms of a location for this facility, and most recently, it was decided that it could be placed at the end of the football field. A survey has been conducted, and a sinkhole is located right at the edge of where the building would sit. The location of the sinkhole can be seen here.
  • Brockmiller Construction, as well as KRJ Architects and Taylor Engineering plan to further investigate this issue and make determinations regarding how the sinkhole impacts the area around it and how much it might affect the decided-upon location of the facility.


Early Childhood:

  • Taylor shared that construction crews have been making quick progress at the Early Childhood Center, and that the playground details are being finalized.


Ste. Genevieve Elementary:

  • Taylor shared that this project is coming along nicely and now has a front door frame installed. District administration has been working with the architects on gymnasium flooring, as well as the color schemes. A render of the upcoming gymnasium can be seen here.


Instructional Program Presentation — SGHS ELA


The team of English-Language Arts teachers from Ste. Genevieve High School presented an overview of the ELA programming. This included an explanation of the core ELA courses, as well as the electives offered, which include: Creative Writing, Film Composition and Literature, Journalism, Mythology, Play Production, Speech, Sports Broadcasting, and Yearbook. She presented the various skills focused upon throughout the courses, some of which include reading comprehension, extrapolating and understanding motifs and themes, building comparisons, research techniques, creative communication and more!





Draft Copy of 2024-2025 Proposed School Calendar.


The draft copy of the 2025-2026 calendar from the SG R-II Calendar Committee can be viewed here. The members of the committee will present a final copy of the calendar to the Board of Education for approval at the Regularly Scheduled Meeting in February. Below are a few bulleted highlights from the draft calendar:

  • First Day of School — Monday, Aug. 18, 2025
  • End of First Semester — Friday, Dec. 19, 2025
  • Two Full Weeks for Christmas Break (three weekends)
  • Professional Development Day — Monday, Jan. 5, 2026
  • Classes Resume — Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2025
  • Professional Development Day — Friday, Feb. 13, 2026
  • Spring Break — Monday, March 30, 2026 – Friday, April 3, 2026
  • Easter is Sunday, April 5, 2026 (Prior Year = Sunday, April 20, 2025)
  • Classes Resume — Monday, April 6 2026
  • Last Day of School — Wednesday, May 20, 2025
  • 6 Scheduled Make-Up Days — May 21 – 29, 2026
  • Graduation – Saturday, May 16, 2025


Addition of Third Grade Teacher.


The Board of Education approved the addition of a third grade teacher. Currently, there are five second grade teachers and four third grade teachers. If another third grade teacher were not added for the next school year, there would be approximately 27-28 students per class; therefore, administration recommended the addition of another third grade teacher to keep the number of students per class manageable.


Addition of Psychological Examiner/504 Case Manager.


The Board of Education approved the addition of a Psychological Examiner / 504 Case Manager. In recent years, some counselors with Psychological Examiner certification—a 30-hour program—have resigned or retired. After reviewing practices in other districts, the Board determined it was the right time to establish a dedicated Psychological Examiner position. This decision ensures that the individual overseeing and conducting psychological assessments can focus on those responsibilities. Additionally, the 504 caseload has grown significantly, highlighting the need to consolidate case management under one role to ensure compliance with 504 guidelines. This new full-time position addresses these evolving needs and aligns with long-term planning.


Updates to Athletic Field Lighting.


The Board approved the bid from Musco to update the lighting systems at the football, baseball and softball fields.


After a detailed evaluation process, Musco’s bid of $1,156,900 with a 25-year warranty was selected due to several key factors, including its industry reputation, a 25-year warranty, and the inclusion of remote LED drivers, which allow for easier maintenance since the driver is housed at the bottom of the pole rather than at the top. This eliminates the need to rent a lift for repairs. Additionally, Musco installed the original poles at the ball fields and will extend the warranty on them for another 25 years, further enhancing the value of the bid.


The decision to proceed with this project has been a long time in the making. The process began in September when the district reached out to multiple companies to explore lighting upgrades. Considerations such as light levels, maintenance logistics, and warranties played a critical role in the evaluation. Currently, the football field lighting operates at 30 footcandles and will be upgraded to 50 footcandles. Baseball and softball infields will also reach 50 footcandles, with outfields at 30. This significant improvement addresses the outdated and unreliable lighting systems at these facilities, which include warped poles, aged wiring, and expensive bulb replacement and operational costs.


The administration emphasized the importance of making an informed decision, given the cost. Approximately $500,000 had been earmarked in Fund 4 for roofing upgrades this year, with another $500,000 allocated for roofing next year. However, hail damage repairs covered by the district’s insurance provider, MUSIC, created an opportunity to allocate resources toward the lighting project. The facilities committee had previously identified this as a priority under Proposition SG, and feedback from coaches and stakeholders indicated strong support.


Additionally, collaboration with the All Sports Boosters secured a donation to go toward the $29,000 alternate bid for optional color-enhanced lighting.


The timeline for the upgrades ensures the football field will be ready by this fall, with the baseball and softball fields completed by next spring. This investment not only modernizes the district’s facilities but also reflects a commitment to long-term sustainability and safety.





The next Board of Education meeting will be a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.