‘Rejoice in Choice’ Capitol Rally to highlight school choice

JEFFERSON CITY – In celebration of National School Choice Week and Missouri’s recent creation of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, private school students will team up for a “Rejoice in Choice” rally at the Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 26. 

The event, which runs from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., will celebrate expanded learning opportunities in Missouri and feature student performances, guest speakers, music, and more.

Teachers, students, and families impacted by school choice will have a presence two days in a row at the Missouri Capitol during School Choice Week. While Wednesday, Jan. 26 will focus on access to private school options, Thursday, Jan. 27 will highlight the value of virtual learning. Both events are planned to coincide with the celebration of National School Choice Week Jan. 23-29, 2022, which will feature more than 26,000 school choice events across all 50 states.

“This year Missouri students have something really big to celebrate and that’s what we will be doing at our 2022 National School Choice Week Rally at the Capitol,” said Peter Franzen, associate executive director at the Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri. “The new Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program gives qualifying families the options they need to ensure their children are learning, growing, and safe.”

The Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program allows eligible Missouri families to receive a portion of state funding to use for personalized educational expenses such as tutoring, educational therapies, extracurricular programs, and private school tuition. To learn more about Missouri’s new Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program, families can visit showmeschooloptions.org.

Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri is a nonprofit that supports effective schools of all kinds and believes all Missouri students deserve access to a quality education now. The organization supports measures that will cultivate more quality education options by raising awareness and helping parents and others take action.

The Missouri State Capitol Rotunda is located at 201 W. Capitol Ave

For more information, contact Nicholas Elmes at nick@ceamteam.org or (636) 345-7710.

National School Choice Week shines a spotlight on effective K-12 education options for children, focusing equally on traditional public, charter, magnet, online, private, and home education options. Every January, participants plan tens of thousands of celebrations –– such as school fairs and open houses–– to raise awareness about school choice across all 50 states. School Choice Week also develops resources and guides to K-12 education for families. As a not-for-profit effort, the Week is nonpolitical and nonpartisan and does not advocate for legislation. For more information visit schoolchoiceweek.com.