CHESTER – Your brain health is a no brainer!
This winter, Memorial Hospital in Chester is offering a three-part series presented by Robin Ridgley, Family Life Educator with the University of Illinois Extension. The free classes will help you strengthen your brain health and keep your brain healthy.
The series will be held consecutive Mondays, February 17-March 3, from 10:00am-11:00am in the Memorial Hospital Conference Room located at 1900 State Street in Chester, Illinois. All sessions are free, and everyone is welcome to attend. Registration is not required but is encouraged. You can pre-register online at or by calling 618-826-4581 ext. 1373.
Session one, on February 17, is titled “Head Strong”. Attendees will be provided with exercise strategies to enhance memory and thinking. The second session on February 24, “Hold that Thought!”, explores strategies for forgetfulness. The series wraps up on March 3 with “Fit Wits”, learn how to keep your brain healthy and engaged.
Join us for this informative and engaging series to boost your brain health this winter!