Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve – Saving the Hill Prairies!

FULTS, Ill. – Saving hill prairies is more than just saving them from development. Our hill prairies need people who care for them to protect and restore their ecological health for the current and future generations to experience. The beauty and biodiversity of Illinois’ wild places is in danger because of invasive species, brush, and other forms of disturbance and degradation that threaten the multitudes of life that once thrived here.  Hill prairies are one of the rarest and most endangered ecosystems in Illinois with only 600 acres remaining in the entire state. Found on bluff tops and ridges, they are home to unique plant and animal species.

All are invited to join in for a Seed Collecting stewardship afternoon at Fults Hill Nature Preserve on October 20th from 1 – 4 pm. We will gather seeds from native prairie plants to help restore Illinois’ rare hill prairies. No experience necessary. We’ll learn together as we work! 


Event Highlights:

  • Seed Collecting: Volunteers will learn to identify and collect seeds from various native prairie plants that will be used in future restoration efforts.
  • Hands-on Conservation: This is a unique opportunity for participants to actively contribute to the preservation of our own Illinois’ natural heritage, where we live. By helping to restore these prairies, volunteers will play a vital role in protecting habitats that are disappearing.

How to Get Involved:
All are invited to join in – dedicated volunteers make the difference for these important places. All necessary tools and materials will be provided, and no previous experience is required. Dress for the weather and the wilderness and bring water.


To RSVP for the event or if you have questions, contact deanna0113@gmail.com .