2022-2032 Industry and Occupational Projections available for Missouri and Regions

JEFFERSON CITY – The 2022-2032 Industry and Occupational Projections have been completed for Missouri and regions.

Industry Projections
New 2022 to 2032 industry projections for Missouri estimate employment in the state to grow by 4.3 percent, or more than 136,000 in employment, during the decade. Health Care and Social Assistance; Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services; and Finance and Insurance are projected to be the industries with the largest numeric growth.


Occupational Projections
Occupational projections show Missouri is projected to have more than 357,000 total job openings each year from 2022 to 2032. The fastest growing occupational groups are projected to be Computer and Mathematical, Healthcare Support, and Healthcare Practitioners and Technical occupations. Occupational projections for both Missouri and its regions provide an outlook for job growth in the future. 

By region, Ozark is projected to grow the fastest at 7.2 percent, followed by the Kansas City (7.0%), St. Louis (5.3%) and Central (4.6%) regions.