Chester Beautification Commission presents August, 2024 ‘Take Pride Home Awards’

Larry and Sharon Congleton and Billy and Megan Berkbuegler are September honorees


By Jim Beers

CHESTERThe “Take Pride Home Awards” in Chester are presented to residential and commercial properties in the City of Chester that have enhanced the beauty of the city.



One of two September 2024 “Take Pride Home Awards” presented by the Chester Beautification Commission is Billy and Megan Berkbuegler of 1003 Cole Place Road in Chester. Pictured with them are their two children Brynn and Bryce. Photo by JoAnn Simmons



One of two September 2024 “Take Pride Home Awards” presented by the Chester Beautification Commission is Larry and Sharon Congleton of 516 Solomon Street in Chester. Photo by JoAnn Simmons


Recognition of this honor is acknowledged by the placement of a sign in the winner’s yard. Photographs of the award winning properties are also placed in local newspapers, on the City of Chester Facebook Page & website at, and on the Suntimes News website of Donze Communications at


The Beautification Commission presents the “Take Pride Home Awards” once a month during May, June, July, August, September, October, and November of each year. During the winter months of December, January, and February, and the spring months of March and April, there are no awards.


In November of each year, the Chester Beautification Commission conducts a random drawing for $100.00. Eligible candidates/recipients of the monetary prize include all of the winners of the “Take Pride Awards” for the respective calendar year.


Any Chester residence or commercial business is qualified to win a “Take Pride Home Award”. Nominations can be made by anyone in the community and the two monthly winners are selected by the Chester Beautification Commission members.


To make a nomination, please contact any Beautification Commission member or call City Hall at (618) 826-2326.


The September 2024 “Take Pride Home Award” winners include Larry and Sharon Congleton of 516 Solomon Street in Chester, and Billy and Megan Berkbuegler of 1003 Cole Place Road in Chester. Congratulations to both September 2024 “Take Pride” winners.