St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting minutes released

ST. MARY – The minutes of the Thursday, September 12 meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen have been released.



Board of Aldermen Meeting

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

6:00 p.m.


  1. Be it Remembered: A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Adam Bequette on Thursday, September 12th, 2024 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


  1. Roll Call: Aldermen answering the roll call were Alderman Brenda Thompson, Alderman Kathy Bergmann, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker (absent).


  1. Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Dr. Zen Duda to approve the agenda. Alderman Kathy Bergmann seconded the motion. Alderman Kathy Bergmann, Alderman Brenda Thompson, and Alderman Dr. Zen Duda voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.


  1. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Dr. Zen Duda to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the following: Minutes from Previous Meeting, Treasurers Report, Collectors Report and Bills Paid and City Manager to pay previously appropriated expenses as they come due as allowed by the budget. Alderman Brenda Thompson seconded the motion. Alderman Brenda Thompson, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Kathy Bergmann voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


  1. Public Hearing:


Cassandra Packineau: Wanted to plea her case about a bill that she received from the city for mowing her property. She stated that she had to go out of town for a family emergency and she had all intentions to get her property cleaned up when she got back to town. Cassandra stated that she was charged for four lots and that she only owns three of the four lots. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda asked who owned the other lot that she was getting charged for. Cassandra stated that it was a Joel Meyer that.  Mayor Adam Bequette asked if she got a summons and she stated that she did receive one but she thought that she had until the court date to clean the property up. But according Ordinance 865 you only have 7 days to abate the nuisance. Cassandra thought that she had until the court date to get the place cleaned up. The Board of Alderman came to an agreement to reduce the charges for cleaning her property. 


  1. Street Repairs: Updates: Jokerst has been fixed 3rd and Sycamore. There were a few streets that needed to be repaired in some spots and that has been done also.


  1. Engineering RFQ -packets and score: Update: The City of St Mary has come to a conclusion on the Engineer that we are going to use for the grant. The Board of Alderman has chosen to go with Heartland Engineering Company. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and the Mayor Adam Bequette called all the references from all three Engineering Companies. The Three engineering Companies that submitted qualifications were Smith & Company, Bartlett and West and Heartland Engineering.




  1. Any other Matters that my have come before the board:


Mayor Adam Bequette stated that the Purple Wave Auction was over and the items that we had listed sold $34,300. With that money we were able to purchase a newer tractor for the City’s use.


Brian Helms stated that the hill at Marion Cliff is being kept mowed and that the town is looking good. The main reason why he was at the meeting was to gather information on the illegal dumping. Mayor Adam Bequette stated that the Department of Natural Resources has been filed and right now it is a waiting game for now. Brain Helms stated that he appreciates that the city is keeping up with this issue. 


Connie Pritchard wanted to thank the city for everything that they have done. But the main reason she was there that she found meth in her yard. She stated that something needs to be done with the drugs in town. Mayor Adam Bequette stated that he will look in to the situation.  Also, that she is very pleased with everything that the board has done.


  1. Department Reports:


  1. a. Emergency Management – Director April Grindstaff had nothing to report.


  1. Police Department – Alderman Dr. Zen Duda stated we are still in the process of looking for a police officer.


  1. Fire Department – Alderman Kathy Bergmann gave the floor to Fire Chief Frankie Ullman. Frankie stated the they had 11 calls. 2 power lines, 4 medic, 2 fire alarms and 3 mutual aid. October 20th is the BBQ at the fire house. They will have pork steaks, brats, potato salad and baked beans. They had a firemen’s meeting with the district to discuss becoming a district. The is a Facebook page is it SGC Fire Prot District. The pump truck is getting tested to make sure that the pump is working properly. Fire Prevention week is in October. He asked the board if it was fine that he took the fire truck up to Ste Gen head start. He will also have the fire truck at the block party at First Trinity Baptist Church on September 28.


  1. Street Department – Alderman Dr. Zen Duda stated that we discussed about the streets earlier in the meeting.


  1. Water / Wastewater Department –Frankie Ullman reported that everything is going well. We are down on the water usage from the past years. The levels have dropped 20-30,000 gallons. On the sewer side we had a little fluke we had a power failure but caught it in time before anything major went on.


  1. Park / Cemetery / Animal Control – Alderman Brenda Thompson had nothing to report for animal control. For the Cemetery we found a map of the older part of the cemetery so Brenda had that framed for us. For the park we can not sell the park but we can make it in to like a nature trail type area.


  1. Citizens Participation


  1. Regular Session Adjournment: There being no further business before the board, a motion was made by Alderman Dr. Zen Duda to adjourn at 7:26 p.m. Alderman Brenda Thompson seconded the motion.  All the aldermen voted yea on a voice vote.  Meeting adjourned.