Students complete military-style workout in honor of 9/11 heroes


PERRYVILLE – Students at Perry County Middle School in Perryville have Workout Wednesday each week during PE class with coaches Amanda Halpin and Drew Korando.

Yesterday, in honor of the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, the students did a military-style workout.

“First, we discussed how grateful we are to the people who keep our nation and community safe,” Ms. Halpin said. “Then we talked about how our military and first responders are required to take care themselves and put in the work to keep us safe. Now, we are doing circuit training, and to remind ourselves of the sacrifices of our heroes on 9/11, we’re doing each exercise three times for 30 seconds – 3×3 is 9 – and we’re rotating every 11 seconds. Our students are learning that often times we are faced with difficult tasks but we have to push through and keep going.”

The students and staff were dressed in red, white, and blue for USA Day, and patriotic music was playing.