Appointments mark first day of session

JEFFERSON CITY A number of appointments were made during Wednesday’s first day of the 2022 session of the Missouri Legislature.


Rep. John Wiemann

House Speaker Pro Tem John Wiemann will expand his leadership duties to help guide the House Insurance Committee during the 2022 legislative session. Wiemann was recently selected by House Speaker Rob Vescovo to serve as chairman of the committee.


As Speaker Pro Tem, Wiemann is an ex officio member of all House committees. Because the previous chair, Rep. Justin Hill, resigned from office, Speaker Vescovo asked Wiemann to step in to take over leadership duties for the House Insurance Committee.

Vescovo noted that Wiemann is the ideal choice to serve as chairman because of his decades of work in the healthcare and insurance industry. Wiemann also previously served as the vice-chairman of the House Insurance Policy Committee and chaired an insurance subcommittee.


The House Insurance Committee considers and reports on bills and matters referred to it relating to insurance, insurance companies, and the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration. As chairman of the committee, Wiemann will preside over committee hearings, and will work to review and improve the pieces of legislation presented to the committee.


“I’ve spent most of my life working on issues related to the insurance industry and I’m excited to be able to share my knowledge and expertise with the members of the committee,” said Wiemann, R-O’Fallon. He added, “I want to thank Speaker Vescovo for giving me the opportunity to work on an issue that means a great deal to me, and that is vitally important for Missourians in all parts of the state.”


Rep. Mike McGirl


State Representative Mike McGirl will now lead the committee responsible for closely examining the state’s tax policy and sources of revenue. McGirl was recently selected by House Speaker Rob Vescovo to serve as the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee for the remainder of the 101st General Assembly.


McGirl moves into the role of chair after serving as the vice chair of the committee for the 2021 legislative session. He replaces State Rep. Wayne Wallingford, who resigned to become director of the Missouri Department of Revenue.


In selecting McGirl to lead the committee, Vescovo noted the experience he gained as vice chair and the more than three decades of experience McGirl has as a Certified Public Accountant. Vescovo also praised McGirl for the strong commitment he has shown to fighting for fiscally conservative policies.


The Committee on Ways and Means deals with the taxes of the state, revenue and public debt of the state, and the interest thereon, and the administration of taxation and revenue laws. As the chair of the committee, McGirl will preside over committee hearings, and will work to review and improve the pieces of legislation presented to the committee.


“I want to thank Speaker Vescovo for entrusting me with leading this committee. It’s an honor to be able to work with my colleagues to make our state a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars. I will continue to support and promote fiscally conservative policies to ensure each and every dollar is used appropriately,” said McGirl, R-Potosi.


Rep. Jon Patterson


State Representative Jon Patterson will lead a group of his colleagues as they tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the state. Patterson was recently selected by House Speaker Rob Vescovo to serve as the chair of the House Emerging Issues Committee for the 2022 legislative session.


Patterson previously served as vice-chair of the committee. Vescovo selected him to move up when the previous chair, State Rep. Aaron Griesheimer, announced his resignation from office.


Speaker Vescovo said Patterson is the ideal person to lead the committee because of his experience as vice-chair and the respect he has earned from his colleagues for being a member who is willing to take on even the most complex issues.


The House Emerging Issues Committee was created to address developing and pressing issues that require the focused attention of the legislature. As the chair of the committee, Patterson will preside over committee hearings, and will work to review and improve the pieces of legislation presented to the committee.


“I want to thank Speaker Vescovo for this honor. I am excited to get to work with the members of my committee and ready to find effective policy solutions that will move our state forward,” said Patterson, R-Lee’s Summit.


Rep. Don Mayhew


State Rep. Don Mayhew will play a key role in determining funding levels for the state departments overseeing public safety, corrections, transportation, and revenue. Mayhew was selected by House Speaker Rob Vescovo to serve as the chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee for the four departments.


Mayhew is well-versed in the appropriations process and has served as a member of the House Budget Committee since first taking office in 2019. He most recently served as vice-chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee for general administration.


Vescovo said he asked Mayhew to take on the chairman duties for the appropriations subcommittee for public safety, corrections, transportation, and revenue because of Mayhew’s proven track record as a fiscal conservative and a steward of taxpayer dollars. Speaker Vescovo said Mayhew’s extensive experience with the budget process makes him the ideal person to lead the committee.


The Subcommittee on Appropriations – Public Safety, Corrections, Transportation, and Revenue is responsible for putting together budget recommendations for the departments it oversees. Mayhew and the members of his committee will present their funding level to the House Budget Committee, which will ultimately determine the appropriation each department receives.


“I want to thank Speaker Vescovo for having the confidence in me to play such a key role in our budget process. I am excited to work with the members of my committee to put together a funding plan that adheres to my fiscally conservative principles and makes the best possible use of our tax dollars,” said Mayhew, R-Crocker.