Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen meeting

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen met in regular session Thursday.

Aldermen Joe Steiger and Patrick Fahey were absent. 

In his report, Ste. Genevieve City Administrator Happy Welch announced that the Missouri Department of Transportation wants another approval from the National Park Service for the St. Mary Road Sidewalk Improvement Project.

“There are some concerns by NPS (the National Park Service) about archaeological items that might be uncovered. (MoDOT) gave a preliminary okay and this is a more extensive one which is on an actual form from MoDOT.”

Welch then mentioned passage of Prop. S on the Nov. 6, ballot.

“That’s for the $10 million bond for street improvements. The county clerk usually takes a week to certify the results. She will get those to us,” he said, noting that once that happens the bonds can be prepared.

Welch was asked about the delay in getting the new restroom installed in Pere Marquette Park. He said the city was waiting for Jour de Fete to be over.

Reports were given by the tourism director, fire chief and assistant city administrator.

The consent agenda was approved.

It included the following items:

Street closure request from Jami Inman for the Jour de Fete street closures.

Street closure request from the Ste. Genevieve Chamber Foundation for the Farmer’s Table dinner 8 a.m. to midnight, Friday, September 13. This street closure request includes Third Street from Merchant to Market.

Resolution 2024-38 in support of the city’s participation in the Ozark Run Scenic Byway.

Old Business: 

Bill No. 4624, an agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for St. Mary Sidewalk Improvement Project. 1st reading passed.  2nd reading passed  6 yes, 0 no, 2 absent

Bill No. 4625, authorizing the dissolution of the tourism advisory council. 1st reading passed. 2nd reading passed  6 yes, 0 no, 2 absent

Bill No. 4626, an agreement with the Ste. Genevieve County School District R-II for construction cost sharing agreement with the city. 1st reading passed. 2nd reading passed  6 yes, 0 no, 2 absent

New Business: 

Bill No. 4627, an agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for sidewalk improvements from Rozier Street to St. Joseph Street. 1st reading passed.

The board of aldermen convened in a work session following the regular session.

There were three items on the agenda for the work session.

  1. Tourism Tax Ordinance. City Administrator Happy Welch stated, “City Attorney Mark Bishop and I want to discuss with the board the proposed ballot issue increasing the tourism tax from two to four percent.” The item would appear on the November general election ballot.

The aldermen went into closed session during the work session to discuss the issue.

  1. Budget Handout. Welch stated, “This will be the board’s first look at the proposed budget paperwork for Fiscal Year 2025 (2024-2025) with an overview for all the funds and individual department capital requests. We will cover all of this in more detail on August 15 (6p, city hall) with the budget work session which is open to the public.”

Welch indicated the general fund is low on reserves and that is causing problems since the code requires a 50 percent reserve.

“Also our salaries and operations are elevated compared to yearly revenue where they have not been in the past. I will discuss the shortage at length and the causes,” Welch continued.

The city administrator pointed out that the dedicated funds like parks, streets and cemetery are in good shape.

However, Welch continued, “the Water Fund needs a rate analysis done this budget year because revenue is too low for sustainability. The Sewer Fund also needs to be analyzed for future improvements.”

The final item on the work session agenda:

  1. IT policy.

Watch the meeting now on the SteGenTV You Tube Channel: