Ste. Genevieve Planning and Zoning Commission minutes released

STE. GENEVIEVE – The minutes of the Ste. Genevieve Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held Thursday, August 1, 2024 have been released.


A SteGenTV video of the meeting is available at:


Minutes of the


August 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Gary Roth, Chairman

Anthony Grass, Carl Kinsky. Justin Donovan, Junie Ewing, Kathleen Waltz, Gerald Bauman, Alderman Joe Prince.

Call to Order at 6:00 pm by City Administrator Happy Welch.


Roll Call:


Commissioners Carl Kinsky, Justin Donovan, and Alderman Joe Prince were present at roll call; Commissioners Kathy Waltz and Junie Ewing were present via Zoom. City Administrator Happy Welch was also present.


Commissioners Gary Roth, Anthony Grass, and Gerry Bauman were absent.


Approval of the Agenda:


Alderman Prince made a Motion to Approve the agenda as presented; Commissioner Donovan seconded the motion, which passed 5-0-3.


Approval of the Minutes: Commissioner Donovan made a Motion to Approve the minutes of the July 8, 2024 meeting as presented; Commissioner Kinsky seconded the motion, which passed 5-0- 3.


Introduction of Evidence: The 2024 City of Ste. Genevieve Comprehensive Plan was submitted into evidence for the commission’s consideration. Alderman Joe Prince made a Motion to Accept the evidence which was seconded by Commissioner Donovan and passed 5-0-3.


Old Business: None


New Business:


Mr. Welch introduced Resolution PZ2024-01 to the commission for its’ consideration; the resolution was to adopt the 2024 comprehensive plan. Mr. Welch listed the different parts of the plan and then introduced Drew Christian of SEMO Regional Planning Commission to further discuss the 2024 City of Ste. Genevieve Comprehensive Plan.


Mr. Christian continued to list the various sections of the plan and let the commission know that the proposed adoption is now the final step in the process.


Mr. Christian stated that a minor addition was made to the plan since the last meeting; a reference to the Pere Marquette Park Master Plan was inserted into the Community Facilities section.


Commissioner Donovan asked if there was any input from the public meeting that was held on July 18th.


Mr. Christian replied that there were two citizens who attended and they gave the feedback about the park master plan which was then included in the final plan.


Mr. Christian mentioned that there had also been some minor changes since the initial final draft including changes to the annexation plan (reflected in the map that was available the past month), minor adjustments to the major street plan (also reflected in the maps available the past month), and some minor clarifying language added to a couple sections. All of those changes had been made prior to the final draft being available to the public and P&Z.


Commissioner Kinsky made a Motion to Approve the adoption of Resolution PZ2024-01 for adoption of the 2024 City of Ste. Genevieve Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Donovan seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and passed 5-0-3.




There being no further business, Alderman Prince made a Motion to Adjourn. Commissioner Donovan seconded the motion which passed 5-0-3, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:10 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,


David Bova,

Assistant City Administrator