Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen meets

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Board of Alderman met Wednesday evening,  one day earlier than usual to allow members to attend the Ste. Genevieve County Town Hall Forum held Thursday,


Aldermen Eric Bennett, Joe Prince and Robert Donovan were absent.


City Administrator Happy Welch announced that concrete work on the trail at Pere Marquette Park has been completed. He said the landscaping and filling in along the trail was still unfinished.


He said the city has narrowed fown possible website developers to three. He hopes to have an agreement with one of them ready for the board to consider August 8th.


The aldermen heard reports from Police Chief Jason Crump, Steve Wilson of Alliance Water Resources and Assistant City Administrator David Bova.


Police Chief’s report:



Wilson reported they will be painting curbs, sidewalks, handicapped spots, crosswalks, etc. in the downtown area this week.


The consent agenda was approved. It included the minutes of previous meetings and treasurer’s report.


Asphalt patching is underway.


Bova reported the city has received initial approval from the Union Pacific Railroad for proposed improvements at the Little Rock Ferry Landing. He noted that MLC (formerly Mississippi Lime Company) had earlier given its approval to the work. The improvements will be completed in conjunction with the Ste. Genevieve Rotary. Alderman Joe Steiger noted that both Tower Rock Stone and Bloomsdale Excavating have pledged in-kind donations. Bova said the plan is to pave the turnaround there with concrete and to install concrete benches and planters. A Welcome to Ste. Genevieve sign is is also being contemplated.


During public comment a new resident of the city, Nancy Hansen, spoke about the proposed increase in the tourism tax. She would like to see it increased to six percent. She was glad to hear of the proposed improvements at the ferry landing.


Two items: a street closure request and a resolution, were removed from the consent agenda and considered later during the meeting.


There was no old business.


There were six items under new business:


Three bills received first round approval.


Bill No. 4624, dealing with the St. Mary sidewalk improvement was approved.


Bill No. 4625, dissolving the Tourism Advisory Council was approved.


Bill No. 4626, amending the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District was approved.


Resolution 2024-37 waiving certain late fees on water bills was approved. Delays caused by the U.S. Postal Service prevented many bills from being received before the payment deadline. Welch said a number of Ste. Genevieve water bills were sent to Greenville, South Carolina. instead of Ste. Genevieve. The aldermen voted to waive late fees on payments made by the close of business Friday, July 26th..


Resolution 2024-38 appointing Brock Gibson to the Tourism Tax Commission was approved.


A street closure request for from Robert J.  Mueller was approved. It is for Saturday, August 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War re-enactment of the 1861 seizure of funds from banks in Ste. Genevieve by Union troops to keep the fund out of Confederate hands. Streets to be closed are Main Street from Market Street heading north and Main Street at Jefferson Street headed south. And Merchant Street heading west from the Show Me Shop.


The aldermen then adjourned to their work session.


These items were on the agenda for the work session.


1, Comprehensive plan.


  1. Five-year capital improvement plan.


  1. 10-year Tourism Plan


  1. Ozark Scenic Byway Discussion


Both the regular and work sessions can be viewed on the SteGenTV You Tube Channel at: