Ste. Genevieve Board of Education members achieves advanced certification

STE. GENEVIEVE – Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District is proud to announce that Board of Education members Jamie Ballew and Joshua Gettinger have achieved Advanced Board Member Certification from the Missouri School Boards’ Association.



Left to Right: Outgoing MSBA President Ruth Johnson, Board of Education member Jamie Ballew, and MSBA Executive Director Melissa Randol

The board member certification program established by MSBA recognizes school board members who choose to complete additional professional development requirements beyond the 18.5 hours of training required by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993 for new board members.

To achieve Advanced Certification, board members must earn at least 12 additional training credits, a complete annual Refresher training requirement through MSBA, read two books related to school board service, attend at least two MSBA regional or statewide events and write an essay relating their study to their board service.

Those members achieving Board Member Certification were recognized for engaging in ongoing professional development and leadership to improve the knowledge and skills they need to be effective educational leaders in their communities during the MSBA Summer Summit in Branson in June 2024.



Left to Right: Outgoing MSBA President Ruth Johnson, Board of Education member Josh Gettinger, and MSBA Executive Director Melissa Randol

Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor congratulated Mrs. Ballew and Mr. Gettinger for earning this achievement, and shared that the District is fortunate to have a Board that values continued learning in order to best meet the needs of our district and community as a whole.

The Missouri School Boards’ Association is a private, not-for-profit organization that exists to help public school boards ensure all students succeed.