Governor signs bill protecting property rights and the environment

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Governor Mike Parson has signed into law HBs 2134 & 1956. The General Assembly passed HBs 2134 & 1956 during its regular session earlier this year. The comprehensive legislation will regulate the land application of industrial wastewater, sludge, and related process wastes. The bill successfully passed the House by a vote of 155-1 and won approval in the Senate by a 29-1 margin. The broad support underscored a united and bipartisan commitment to safeguarding water resources and property rights in Missouri.


Sponsored by Representative Dirk Deaton (R-McDonald County) and Representative Ed Lewis (R-Randolph County), HBs 2134 & 1956 seeks to protect property rights and the water resources of the state from misapplication, over application, and improper storage of certain wastes and byproducts of food grade operations and related wastewater treatment discharge. This bipartisan initiative gained support from both rural and urban lawmakers as well as environmental and agricultural groups alike.


Under the legislation, waste disposal companies intending to construct storage lagoons for animal byproducts would be required to conduct tests on waste for heavy metals and pathogens, and other pollutants. Additionally, the bill mandates the installation of groundwater monitoring wells where needed to prevent any material seepage into water bodies. Notably, large animal feeding operations, and other agricultural operations are exempt from these provisions as there are already regulations and permitting requirements in place for those entities.


Originating from complaints in southwest and central Missouri, residents have expressed concerns about the odor and environmental hazards associated with the storage and spreading of waste material from meat processing and various other food related industries. The bill focuses on addressing the exploitation of a loophole by waste disposal companies, affecting both the environment and the agriculture industry, while emphasizing the need for a minimum regulatory framework and appropriate land application of certain materials.


“We’re really just clarifying that, fertilizer license or no fertilizer license, this material has to be subject to a Department of Natural Resources permit, much like it is in virtually every other state in the union that would ensure that best practices are followed,” Deaton, said. “It is not our desire to take this tool out of the toolbox; some of these materials can be helpful and beneficial to our farmers, and we certainly don’t want to stand in the way of that. But what we don’t want to see is Missourians’ property rights being violated or abused because of over application events like those we have observed.”


The bill also introduces a nutrient management standard overseen by the Department of Natural Resources, emphasizing responsible land application in accordance with best practices. Moreover, it restricts the Clean Water Commission from exempting entities from water pollution permits unless engaged in the sale of commercial fertilizer.


The bill having been signed into law marks Missouri’s latest step in fortifying its commitment to clean water and sustainable environmental practices while maintaining a balanced approach on conservation, agriculture, and business needs. The legislation, having been declared an emergency act under the Missouri Constitution, took effect upon the Governor’s signature.