ST. MARY – The Minutes of Thursday’s meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting have been released.
Board of Aldermen Meeting
Thursday, July 11th, 2024
6:00 p.m.
- Be it Remembered: A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Adam Bequette on Thursday, July 11th, 2024 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.
- Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
- Roll Call: Aldermen answering the roll call were Alderman Brenda Thompson (absent), Alderman Kathy Bergmann, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker.
- Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the agenda. Alderman Kathy Bergmann seconded the motion. Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Kathy Bergmann and Alderman Dr. Zen Duda voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.
- Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the following: Minutes from Previous Meeting, Treasurers Report, Collectors Report and Bills Paid and City Manager to pay previously appropriated expenses as they come due as allowed by the budget. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda seconded the motion. Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Kathy Bergmann voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.
- Public Hearing- Closing the City Park- Frank Gerardot asked if we were still going to maintain the park. Mayor Adam Bequette stated that the only people that are using the park are the drug users. To get the park back to ADA regulations it will take close to $50,000. We are going to still maintain the park until we know what we are going to do with it.
- 7. Purple Wave Items- 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Fully Outfitted, 1996 Ford F-250 Pickup White 4×4, 1980 Chevrolet Dump Truck Gas Engine, 2000 Ford Van White, 1994 John Deere 2555, 2004 John Deere 5205 With Loader, Broken Salt Spreader (2), Bobcat Gas 343 Unknown Year, Bobcat Utility Back hoe Attachment, Bobcat 53” Smooth Bucket, Fire Department Fire Truck Out of Service, Misc: Surplus Push Bumpers, Light Bars, Lighting Equipment, Generac Generator for Ema. Haul Off Scrap and Old White Police Car for Current Day Market Value
Alderman Annette Hacker made a motion to purple wave the items that the city does not need anymore. Alderman Kathy Bergmann seconded the motion. Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Kathy Bergmann voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.
- Tractor. Alderman Dr Zen Duda stated that we are needing a decent tractor for the city. The tractor that we have is starting to have several issues. The money from the purple wave items will go towards a newer model tractor.
- Department Reports:
- a. Emergency Management – Director April Grindstaff stated that the river is still on the rise but should crest by Friday.
- Police Department –Police Chief Brendon Corbett did not make it to the meeting. Alderman Zen Duda stated that Officer Corbett turned in his resignation as Police Officer for the City of St. Mary. Police Chief Brendon Corbett stated in an email that he cannot put into words the pleasure I have had to serve the citizens and community of the city of St. Mary, MO over the last three plus years. A lot of people in town know the family emergency which occurred with my family, I thank everyone for their continued thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Mayor Adam Bequette has contacted the county sheriff’s office to help out until we can get another officer.
- Fire Department – Alderman Kathy Bergmann gave the floor to Fire Chief Frankie Ullman. Frankie stated that 7 calls, 5 medic calls, 2 mutual aid and 1 structural fire. He stated that everything else is going well.
- Street Department – Alderman Dr. Zen Duda reported since Frankie has repaired the water leak on 3rd and Sycamore the road is closed due to the street needing to be fixed. We have 3 bids for fixing the street. Hopefully we will have it back open in the near future.
- Water / Wastewater Department –Frankie Ullman reported the Bac-T reports have been good. He is going to flush out the dead ends. The boring crew hit a sewer discharge line on 3rd street. They have fixed the sewer discharge line. Frankie stated that our sludge holding tanks are empty and wants to thank O’Neil Septic for taking time out of their weekend to haul the sludge for us. We had an engineering firm and take picture of the sewer plant of the Request for Qualifications. The lift station in the subdivision went down. He pulled one of the pumps and it was bad. We had Dan from Flo-systems Inc come look at the pump and give us a quote for the pumps. For 2 pumps it will cost the city around $12,000 to replace both of the pumps. Mayor Adam Bequette stated he wanted to thank the Mayor of Leadwood for letting us you their crane truck. It helped us out tremendously to get the pump out of the lift station pit.
Alderman Annette Hacker made a motion to get the pumps for the lift station. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda seconded the motion. Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Kathy Bergmann voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.
- Park / Cemetery / Animal Control – Alderman Brenda Thompson was absent for the meeting.
- Citizens Participation – County Commissioner District 2 Mark Marberry stated that we need to find two locations within the city (not in flood zone) that we could put a Dollar General. He is going to talk to the developer soon and get more details and let us know what they say.
Mayor Adam Bequette stated that he needed a motion to except the resignation of Officer Brendon Corbett. Alderman Dr Zen Duda made a motion to accept Officer Brendon Corbett’s resignation. Alderman Annette Hacker seconded the motion. Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Kathy Bergmann voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.
- Regular Session Adjournment: There being no further business before the board, a motion was made by Alderman Dr. Zen Duda to adjourn at 6:57 p.m. Alderman Brenda Thompson seconded the motion. All the aldermen voted yea on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned.