STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Planning and Zoning Commission has released the minutes of its Monday, July 8th meeting.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri July 8, 2024
Gary Roth, Chairman; Anthony Grass, Carl Kinsky, Justin Donovan, Junie Ewing, Kathleen Waltz, Gerald Bauman, and Alderman Joe Prince
Call to Order at 6:02 pm by Administrator David Bova
Roll Call: Commissioners Carl Kinsky, Anthony Grass, Justin Donovan, and Jerry Bauman were present at roll call; Commissioner Kathy Waltz was present via speakerphone. Administrator David Bova was also present. Commissioners June Ewing, Gary Roth, and Alderman Joe Prince were absent.
Approval of the Agenda: Commissioner Waltz made a Motion to Approve the agenda as presented; Commissioner Grass seconded the motion, which passed 5-0-3. Approval of the Minutes:
Commissioner Grass made a Motion to Approve the minutes of the May 2, 2024 meeting as presented;
Commissioner Kinsky seconded the motion, which passed 5-0-3.
Introduction of Evidence: None
Old Business: None
New Business: Mr. Bova introduced Drew Christian of SEMO Regional Planning Commission to discuss the final draft of the City of Ste. Genevieve Comprehensive Plan. Drew discussed the process that has taken place over the past couple years including a public survey, public meetings, multiple meetings of the comprehensive plan steering committee, and input from the community.
He also discussed each section of the plan, the timetable for final approval, and answered some questions from the commission.
Mr. Bova then discussed the Future Land Use plan, the Future Annexation Plan, and described each of the proposed streets on the Major Street Plan.
Mr. Christian and Mr. Bova also shared the dates of future meetings regarding the comprehensive plan.
They include a final public meeting on July 18th at City Hall, presentation to the Board of Aldermen on July 24th tentatively, & then Planning & Zoning for final approval, per Missouri state statutes, on August 1st.
The commissioners were encouraged to send any final questions or comments to Mr. Christian or Mr. Bova. Adjournment:
There being no further business, Commissioner Grass made a Motion to Adjourn.
Commissioner Donovan seconded the motion which passed 5-0-3, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:26 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
David Bova,
Assistant City Administrator