PHS open house will precede tonight’s PCSD 32 school board meeting

PERRYVILLE – The Perry County School District No. 32 Board of Education is offering the community another opportunity to visit its schools and discuss concerns with board members.


Each month before the regularly-scheduled meetings of the Board of Education, an open house will be held at one of the district’s schools or facilities.



Tonight, the Board of Education Open House will be held from 6-6:45 pm at Perryville High School.


This event is open to the entire community.


Board members will be on hand to visit with parents, staff, students, and community members. Visitors will have an opportunity to see the new secure vestibule at PHS, and learn more about the high school’s programs.


The regular board meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Central Office (Old Senior High School).


The tentative agenda:



Board of Education Regular Session Open Session

Amended Agenda Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Old Senior High School, Room 105 7:00 p.m


  1. Open Session called to order


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


  • Approval of the amended agenda – Amended under section: VIII New Business
  1. Added: Approve the sale of surplus equipment (Laptops)
  2. Added: Approval of the Welding Rods, Gases, Diesel/ Def fluid & Gasoline bids


  1. Patron Comments


  1. Approval of the consent agenda items
  2. May 10, 2024 meeting minutes
  3. May 2024 Warrants


  1. Recognitions
  2. Student Council – State recognition

VII. Student Representative Report/video

VIII. New Business

  1. Action Items:
  2. Roll call vote to schedule a closed session to discuss student & personnel matters as permitted by RSMo. 610.021 sections (3), (6), (13) and (14) at the conclusion of the open session.
  3. Facilities & Infrastructure assessment
  4. Surplus Equipment –
  5. a) Laptops
  6. b) Bus Depreciation
  7. Revisit Policy BDA: Board Meetings
  8. Welding Rods & Gases bid
  9. Diesel / Def fluid & Gasoline bids
  10. 2024-2025 Budget Approval
  11. Discussion Items:
  12. Recommended MSBA Policy Updates:
  13. a) KK – Visitor to district property and events.
  14. b) JHCD – Administration of medications to students.
  15. Board member representatives to assist with survey team developments
  16. Assessment Update
  17. Informational items:
  18. Career Center Renovation Presentation
  19. Middle School Alternative expansion
  20. Program Evaluation
  21. a) Gifted Education
  22. b) Homeless
  23. c) ELL-Migrant-Immigrant
  24. Spotlight …. 2023-24 Retirees
  25. MSBA May Video
  26. Adjourn the Open Session