Perry County School District BOE meets Wednesday

PERRYVILLE – The Perry County School District No. 32 will meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. in regular session.


The tentative agenda.



Board of Education Regular Session Open Session Agenda Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Old Senior High School, Room 105 7:00 p.m.


  1. Open Session called to order


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


III. Approval of the agenda


  1. Patron Comments


  1. Approval of the consent agenda items


  1. May10, 2024 meeting minutes


  1. May 2024 Warrants


  1. Recognitions


  1. Student Council – State recognition


  1. Spring Sports Accomplishments


VII. Student Representative Report/video


VIII. New Business


  1. Action Items:


  1. Roll call vote to schedule a closed session to discuss student & personnel

                        matters as permitted by RSMo. 610.021 sections (3), (6), (13) and (14) at the conclusion               of the open session.


  1. Facilities & Infrastructure assessment


  1. Surplus Equipment – Bus Depreciation


  1. Revisit Policy BDA: Board Meetings


  1. 2024-2025 Budget Approval


  1. Discussion Items:


  1. Recommended MSBA Policy Updates:
  2. a) KK – Visitor to district property and events.
  3. b) JHCD – Administration of medications to students.


  1. Board member representatives to assist with survey team developments


  1. Assessment Update


  1. Informational items:


  1. Career Center Renovation Presentation


  1. Middle School Alternative expansion


  1. Program Evaluation
  2. a) Gifted Education
  3. b) Homeless
  4. c) ELL-Migrant-Immigrant


  1. Spotlight …. 2023-24 Retirees


IX MSBA May Video


  1. Adjourn the Open Session