Memorial Day Service 2024 is hosted by American Legion Post 487 in Chester

Legion and VFW team up to create a program to ‘Remember and Honor’ the ‘Fallen Veterans’


By Jim Beers

America celebrated Memorial Day 2024 Monday May 27th. The Memorial Day Service in Chester was hosted at the Post 487 American Legion Hall.


The Chester VFW Post 3553 combined with Legionnaires to create a wonderful program that was fantastic in remembering and honoring the fallen service man and women that so bravely served and protected America throughout history.


Memorial Day was originally called “Decoration Day”. This holiday was created as a “day of remembrance” to honor those American men and women who died while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.


The National Holiday had its early beginnings in Southern Illinois as General John A. Logan, of the Grand Army of the Republic, wanted a “Decoration Day” to remember those soldiers who lost their lives. This act took place in 1868.


By 1890 almost all northern states had adopted the holiday to honor the fallen soldiers. After World War I and World War II, the early beginnings, called for by General Logan, had turned into a generalized day of remembrance for all fallen veterans, not just for Civil War veterans. The “Day of Remembrance” was observed on May 30th.


In 1971 the United States Congress made Memorial Day a standardized National Holiday. This act called for the last Monday in May each year to be recognized to observe America’s fallen soldiers. Memorial Day is now firmly entrenched into America’s culture and sincerely observed by all Americans.


Chester’s Memorial Day Service began at precisely 11:00 a.m. and guests were strongly encouraged to attend inside the friendly and comfortable confines of the American Legion Hall.


Upon arriving in the Legion’s lobby, guests were invited and welcomed to enjoy the Memorial Day Tree of Remembrance that was patriotically decorated in holiday colors. Guests were encouraged to sign black cards with the names of Armed Forces Veterans who had fallen over the years either in battle or by natural causes.


On the cards, guests were asked to write the names and branches of Armed Forces in which their loved ones served. The cards were then attached to the tree much like Christmas ornaments are affixed to a Christmas tree.


The Memorial Tree of Remembrance was the creation of American Legion Auxiliary member, Farida Hollaway. She makes this tribute possible each time Post 487 hosts the Memorial Day Service.


Once inside the Legion Hall, guests were given a program booklet, a Poppy, and greeted by Legion personnel. The official program started with a welcome by Paul McCormick, Junior American Legion Commander.


McCormick filled in at the last minute when current Commander, Randy Werner, was sidelined with a medical emergency the night prior to the service. Following McCormick’s welcome, Steve Colonel and the Chester High School Band performed the National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner” as everyone stood and sang along.


The Invocation was given by Retired United States Air Force Captain, Jim Oppedal. He is the Pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Chester. Oppedal is a proud Air Force Veteran and served for 25 years before retiring.


The traditional “Wreath Placement” ceremony was conducted by American Legion Junior Commander, Paul McCormick and VFW Acting Commander, Kenny Ragland. This annual ceremony honors all fallen veteran soldiers who died defending America.


The wreath was placed beside the MIA/POW table which rests in front of the stage to remember soldiers that are still Missing in Action (MIA) and/or Prisoners of War (POW).


As part of the “Wreath Placement” ceremony, the Chester High School Band, under the direction of Steve Colonel, performed “Ashoken Farewell” in memory of all fallen soldiers. 


Chester VFW 3553 Commander, Bryan Childs, was unable to attend the Memorial Day Service. In his place was Acting Commander, Kenny Ragland. Ragland said, “We are here today to give respect to the people who fought for our country and didn’t make it home.”


He thanked everyone for coming to the service, but added that the American Legion Hall should have been packed with people who wanted to honor the fallen soldiers who fought so bravely. He noted that it was very unfortunate that over the years, participation in Memorial Day Services has decreased.


Chester Mayor, Tom Page, was unable to attend due to a serious medical situation that was going to require surgery later in the week. In his absence, Danny Valleroy, Ward 7 Alderman, gave the address on behalf of Mayor Page and the City of Chester.


Valleroy said, “I want to thank everyone for coming today, especially Steve Colonel and the Chester High School Band for providing such great music and the Chester Boy Scouts for putting the American Flags all over town.”


“We are here to honor our fallen soldiers as well as those current and past service members that are with us today. Thank you all for coming. Mayor Page wishes he could have been here but he is experiencing some medical issues currently.”


Next on the agenda was a greatly anticipated tradition of saluting members of five branches of the United States Armed Forces. Steve Colonel and his CHS Concert Band performed the popular tune, “Armed Forces Medley” which featured the theme songs of the Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Air Force, and Navy. Currently, Colonel has no theme song available for the United States Space Force.


As the various theme songs were being played, members of those branches were asked to stand and be recognized while their theme song was being played. Also, as the various branches theme songs were being played, the flag of that respective branch was presented.


The order of appearance along with the respective theme song and Flag Bearer included, Army, “The Caisson Song” with Flag Bearer, Benny Picou; Coast Guard, “Semper Paratus”, with no Flag Bearer; Marines, “The Marines Hymn”, with Flag Bearer, Val Bravo; Air Force, “The U.S. Air Force”, with Flag Bearer, Geraldine “Gerry” Berry; and Navy, “Anchors Aweigh”, with Flag Bearer, Bud Stallman.


The Guest Speaker for the event was Commander Brent Piel, Retired Master Gunnery Sgt., Marine Corps Detachment 575. Sgt. Piel served in 22 countries over the course of 28 years before retiring.


Piel said, “I am very happy and honored to be with you today. Chester has a lot of history. I am impressed with the Home Town Heroes banners that you have throughout the town. They speak well to the honor of the servicemen and women of Chester!”


“After World War II, 11 percent of American men and women were veterans. Now that percentage is less than 1 percent. There is now less importance shown to our veterans. Today I will “not” tell you why YOU should find Memorial Day important to you, but why Memorial Day is important to me!”


“I recently looked at a photo of me and three military classmates of mine. Two of my comrades were killed in action, one committed suicide after he left the service due to demons that haunted him from his service experiences. I am the only one left. It is important to me to always honor my fallen comrades.”


“I want to challenge each and every one of you today to remember a veteran. This veteran can be a family member, someone you know or have heard of, or one listed on the back of today’s program. Please help to carry on his or her memory.”


Immediately following the message from Sgt. Piel, American Legion Post 487 representative, Paul McCormick, Junior Commander, read the list of 13 Chester Servicemen who have died since Memorial Day of 2023. That list includes:


Roll Call of Departed Veterans


Phil Costellano            6-30-23

Mike Miller                 8-10-23

Bob DeRousse            8-18-23

Russell Rader              8-25-23

Bill Fricke                   9-30-23

Ray Mueller                10-6-23

Kenneth Rowold         2-11-24

Robert Holley             2-22-24

Gregory Renfroe         3-24-24

Robert McConkey      4-10-24

Terry Jungewaelter      4-24-24

Bruce Brown               5-2-24

Tom McCarry              5-17-24


The combined Firing Squad of American Legion Post 487 and VFW Post 3553 then completed the “Salute to Our Departed Veterans” with a 21-Gun Salute. This year’s Firing Squad included Rick Huey, Ed Stallman, David Hoffman, Neal McDonough, Larry McDonough, Terry Hirte, and Bud Stallman. The Officer of the Day was Kenny Ragland.


Followed the 21-Gun Salute, “TAPS” was played “live” by Josh Casteel, Chester High School Class of 2024 Graduate.


To close the 2024 Chester Memorial Day Service, Pastor Jim Oppedal, of the First United Methodist Church of Chester, gave the Benediction.


Steve Colonel and the Chester High School Concert Band then performed. “America the Beautiful” as the program came to a close.


Following the conclusion of the Service, everyone was treated to a FREE luncheon prepared and served by five American Legion Lady Volunteers including Farida Hollaway, Laura Brockmeyer, Mecca Korando, Allyson McGee, Ellen Kautz, and Joyce McGee.


This year’s menu include homemade Italian beef sandwiches, homemade slaw, potato chips, and a variety of soft drinks. The delicious meal was greatly appreciated by everyone in attendance!




Guest Speaker at the 2024 Memorial Day Service at the Chester American Legion was Brent Piel, Retired Master Gunnery Sgt., Marine Detachment 575. Jim Beers Photo



Paul McCormick of American Legion Post 487 served as Master of Ceremonies at the 2024 Memorial Day Service hosted at the Chester American Legion Post 487. Jim Beers Photo



The Chester High School Concert Band provided music for the 2024 Memorial Day Service hosted at the Chester American Legion Post 487. The band is under the direction of Steve Colonel. Jim Beers Photo



Josh Casteel, a Chester High School Graduate of the Class of 2024 , plays TAPS during the 2024 Memorial Day Service at the American Legion in Chester. He has been a member of the CHS Music Department programs for the  4 years and will begin his collegiate Career next fall at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. Jim Beers Photo



Farida Hollaway of Chester stands by the beautiful Memorial Day Tree she created as part of the 2024 Memorial Day Services at the American Legion. Each year Hollaway takes great pride in providing this activity as a way for guests to the Post 487 Legion Hall  to honor Veterans by signing a card with the name of a departed veteran and his or her branch of service so that the memory of that fallen soldier can be remembered throughout the Memorial Day Holiday period. Farida has offered this Tree of Remembrance for years and plans to continue her memorial for years to come! Jim Beers Photo



The combined Firing Squad of Post 487 American Legion and Post 3553 VFW members stand at attention as TAPS is being played following the 21-Gun Salute to honor Departed Veterans. Officer of the Day was Kenny Ragland (back left) and Firing Squad members (left to right) were Rich Huey, Ed Stallman, David Hoffman, Neal McDonough, Larry McDonough, Terry Hirte, and Bud Stallman. Jim Beers Photo



These dedicated, loyal and patriotic ladies from the Chester American Legion Post 487 volunteered to provide a delicious FREE lunch for all attendees at the 2024 Memorial Day Service hosted by the American Legion. The delicious menu of Italian Beef, Slaw, Chips, and ice cold soft drinks really “hit the spot” immediately following the conclusion of the service. Pictured are (left to right): Mecca Korando, Farida Hollaway, Ellen Kautz, Allyson McGee, Joyce McGee, and Laura Brockmeyer. Jim Beers Photo



Pastor Jim Oppedal of the First United Methodist Church in Chester provided both the Invocation and the Benediction at the 2024 Memorial Day Service hosted at the American

Legion Post 487 in Chester. Oppedal is a Retired United States Air Force Captain and served his country for 25 years before retiring.  Jim Beers Photo



Pictured are 14 local veterans from Chester who attended the 2024 Memorial Day Service hosted at the American Legion. The 14 are members of the American Legion Post 487 in Chester and the Chester VFW Post 3553 and participated in the service. Jim Beers Photo



City of Chester Alderman of Ward 7, Danny Valleroy. represented Mayor Tom Page at the 2024 Memorial Day Service hosted at the American Legion Post 487 in Chester. Valleroy thanked all in attendance for attending the service and especially recognized Steve Colonel and his Chester High School Concert Band for providing all of the music for the event, and he gave a huge “shout out” to the Chester Boy Scouts for displaying all of the beautiful American Flags throughout the City of Chester each patriotic holiday every year. Mayor Page was unable to attend the service due to preparations for a serious medical procedure that he was to experience mid-week. Jim Beers Photo


During the traditional “Armed Forces Medley” salute to the United States Armed Forces, the CHS Band performed the theme songs from each of the branches of the armed forces as Flag Bearers presented the flags of each respective branch. Pictured here are the Flag Bearers of four of the Major Branches of Service including Benny Picou, ARMY; Val Bravo, MARINES; Geraldine “Gerry” Berry, AIR FORCE; and Bud Stallman, NAVY. The band also played, “Semper Paratus” for the Coast Guard, but there as no flag bearer for that branch. There was no flag, theme song or flag bearer for the newest branch of service, the United States Space Force. This segment of the service is an opportunity to recognize veterans in attendance as their branches of service are highlighted. Jim Beers Photo


Kenny Ragland of the Chester VFW Post 3553 represented current VFW Commander, Bryan Childs, who was unable to attend the service. Ragland had two key roles in the service as he was both VFW Representative and he was the Officer of the Day for the combined American Legion and VFW Firing Squad. Jim Beers Photo