CHS recognizes students with perfect Attendance and Students of the Month

There were 90 students with perfect attendance during February and five Students of the Month for March

By Jim Beers

CHESTER — On Wednesday March 19, Chester High School recognized students who had achieved perfect attendance for the month of February 2025, and announced the March 2025 Students of the Month. There were 90 students with perfect attendance and there were five students that were introduced as March 2025 Students of the Month.

Assistant Principal Robin Barton presented the honorees with certificates and gift cards to show appreciation for the students’ hard work and dedication to CHS. Students with “Perfect Attendance received a Jacket Jackpot Card with which entitled the students to go to the front of the lunch line.

The award also allowed the student to get a FREE beverage from the PBIS Cooler. The name of each student was further entered into a drawing for prizes at the regularly scheduled PBIS party honoring the students.

February Perfect Attendance


Maci Ahring

Monica Anaya

Anthony Armenta

Leslie Asbury

Ava Bert

Jaden Bert

Cayden Brunkhorst

Marlie Caby

Abigail Carter

Brayan Cates

Carlee Cato

Peyton Cole

Ethan Colvis

Joshua Copple

Reed Creason

Callie Davis

Lillian Diskey

Evan Dunning

Aleah Eggemeyer

Joella Eggemeyer

Zane Eggemeyer

Victor Fuentes

Matthew Fuller

Hayden Gibbs

Addison Gottschammer

Kady Grau

Emily Gruenewald

Natalie Guethle

Samuel Hall

Caitlyn Hargis

Bailey Hartmann

Hayden Haslett

Aaden Hecht

Jack Heffernan

Anthony Hernandez-Huerta

Mallorie Homan

Haydn Hurst-Roy

David Inman

Kolton Jany

Kross Jany

Sunny Jausel

Anthony Keeton

Rystain Kempfer

Luke Kennedy

Grace Kirkpatrick

Rusty Korando

Taylor Korando

McKenna LaChance

Karim Landeros-Alvaredo

Bryton Laramore

Elijah Leffler

Erin Liefer

Brenden Malley

Clelse Mathia

Kiara Mathis

Justice Mattingly

Anna Menefee

Morgan Miers

Peyton Parker

Aubrey Petrowske

Kat Pierce

Tino Rafael

Jaden Ramirez

Victor Rodriguez Duran

Konner Schroeder

Luke Schuwerk

Moises Sebastian

Ary Shipley

Derrius Shoemate

Isac Smith

Kale Sprengel

Eli Stout

Mackenzie Studt

Hannah Stueve

Whitney Sulser

Morgan Throop

Jaiden Tucker

Trenton Tucker

Zoey Tucker

Bently Valleroy

Summer Valleroy

Will Welge

Katie Werner

Layla White

Bryce Williams

Alex Williamson

Camryn Wolff

Madilynn Worley

Hailey Yankey

March Students of the Month


Each month teachers, staff, and/or administration, nominate students for the coveted “Student of the Month” awards. For the month of March 2025 there were five students nominated. Students nominated have demonstrated one of the PBIS Character Traits that are encouraged each month.


The March Character Trait being recognized is “Honesty”. Honesty is telling the truth, admitting wrongdoing, and being trustworthy. The five students nominated for March were chosen because they were identified as being exceptional in demonstrating “Honesty”.


The five nominees each received a certificate and he or she was presented with 5 Jacket Jackpot Cards which are good as a “Front of the Line Pass” at lunch, and for a FREE snack or beverage.


The March Chester High School “Students of the Month” are:


Larry Sorto

Michael Montroy

Camdyn Quilman 

Cayden Brunkhorst 

Trayton Peters


Chester High School had 90 students achieve perfect attendance for the Month of February 2025. Pictured here are those honorees who were available for the photo. Each student received a certificate and a “Jacket Jackpot Card” good for a trip to the front of the lunch line as well as a FREE beverage at the PBIS cooler. In addition, all of the names were entered into the PBIS drawing for prizes at the next PBIS Awards Party. Jim Beers Photo 



The following boys were March 2025 Students of the Month at Chester High School. Picture are (left to right) Cayden Brunkhorst, Tray Peters, and Michael Montroy. Not pictured were Larry Sorto and Camdyn Quilman. Each of the five “Students of the Month were nominated by teachers, staff, or administration for demonstrating the March 2025 Character trait of “Honesty”. Recipients were presented with (5) Jacket Jackpot Cards” and a certificate.  Further, nominees received a FREE beverage or snack at lunchtime. Jacket Jackpot Cards entitled nominees to go to the front of the lunch line. Jim Beers Photo