by Pete Rosenbery
CARBONDALE, Ill. — Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s School of Art and Design is again presenting a statewide online art competition to celebrate the immense talent and creativity of Illinois high school juniors and seniors.
One of the winning entries in the SIU School of Art and Design’s inaugural Creative Futures online high school art contest was this 3D work by Mia Brooks, who was a senior at Washington Community High School. (Image provided)
The second Creative Futures art competition is open to students in three art media categories — 2D, 3D, and digital art and design. Illinois high school art and design teachers are invited to submit works by no more than five current juniors or seniors from their schools.
The submission deadline is April 25. The award winners will be announced on May 5; the online exhibition will start May 5 and close on May 4, 2026. There is no entry fee.
Three distinct media categories
The categories are 2D art (painting, drawing, printmaking and photography), 3D art (ceramics, glass, metals and sculpture), and design and digital art (web/graphic design, industrial design, animation and video).
SIU faculty from each of those three areas will decide the entries to be accepted for exhibition. Many of the faculty have juried shows on a national and international level.
Optimistic for continued growth
The inaugural competition drew 99 entries from 27 high schools throughout Illinois. Travis Janssen, an assistant director and associate professor in the School of Art and Design, anticipates the number of entries will grow.
“As with anything that grows, the second iteration of this annual competition will undoubtedly be larger than the first,” he said. “I’m optimistic that the number of entries will double, if not triple.”
Antonio Martinez, associate professor of photography/intermedia arts and the School of Art and Design’s head of undergraduate studies, said he anticipates more high school art teachers will encourage their students to participate, “especially those in the Southern Illinois region, which is mainly due to the wonderful art events promoted and coordinated by our Art and Design education faculty and students.”
Martinez said he also hopes to see more sculpture, photography and digital illustrations this year.
Prizes awarded
The top three students in each of the categories will receive gift cards of $100, $75 and $50 respectively from Blick Art Materials.
“The School of Art and Design is grateful to Blick Art Materials for their sponsorship of this year’s awards,” Janssen said, noting that the Galesburg, Illinois-based company began in 1911.
“Blick has been an artist’s resource across the U.S. for a long time. We’re lucky that they’re in our state and that they are supportive of endeavors like the Creative Futures competition,” he said.
Janssen added that the competition also serves as an entryway for students who are interested in pursuing their artistic talents in college.
“SIU’s School of Art and Design has a very diverse range of media and program offerings,” he said. “This competition not only encourages young artists to continue their artistic pursuits – I hope that they will consider SIU as an option to foster their creative futures.”
More information on the competition is available at the Creative Futures website, calling the School of Art and Design at 618-453-4315, or by email at