Rita Ann Slagle

Rita Ann Slagle 72 years old of Saint Mary, MO


Died Saturday, February 22, 2025

At Missouri Baptist Hospital in Saint Louis, MO


She was born July 13, 1952 in Perryville, MO


Preceded in Death By:

Mother, Mildred Crump; Father, Lester Crump; Brother, Mike Crump; Sister, Delores Trollinger


Services are private at this time.


Burial will be at St. Mary Cemetery in Saint Mary, MO


Rita Slagle was a beloved mother, caregiver, and friend, who was always there for her loved ones at their time of need helping them grow up and caring for their needs until the end. She was a dedicated and selfless daughter, sister, and even a second mother to some. Throughout her life, she experienced tragedy and disappointment, but still remained a source of kindness, comfort, and wisdom. She gave great advice and if she cooked or baked you something to make you feel better, it did!! Although she was denied many of life’s rewards, she always put others before herself and never complained…ever. She enjoyed doing things correctly and common sense living. She had a glorious sense of humor in the way she could make you laugh while inspiring you to improve your behavior, like every great mom. She was most gracious and humane, and will be remembered fondly and sorely missed. Thank you for everything mom. I Love Love Love you.


Online condolences can be left at www.baslerfuneralhome.com