The Race is On
The Daytona 500 gives NASCAR fans get their first glimpse of fumes, flames and follies of the season, and it always reminds me the classic George Jones hit “The Race is On.” Proceedings in the Missouri Senate have certainly resembled a race this week as lawmakers competed against blizzard like conditions to advance bills toward the legislative finish line. I’m hopeful we’ll get to see commonsense solutions “come up the backstretch” for the remainder of session!
So far, I’ve been impressed with the pace of session and the success of the upper chamber. We have thoroughly debated and passed multiple bills and sent them to the Missouri House of Representatives for their consideration. You can find a variety of bill tracking links under the “Legislation” tab at if you want to learn more.
Frigid temperatures didn’t impede public hearings. My week started with introducing Senate Bill 238 to the General Laws Committee on Feb. 17. This legislation makes changes to the provision regarding admissibility of expert testimony in civil and criminal litigation. This allows Missouri law to mirror the federal Rules of Evidence set by a court ruling in 2017. The language is a clarification to the gatekeeping function of the courts, and I anticipate it will provide clearer guidance to judges when they are deciding whether or not this type of testimony is admissible.
On Feb. 19, I switched gears and presented Senate Bill 170 to the Senate Families, Seniors and Health Committee. Simply put, SB 170 will allow foster kids to keep the survivor benefits they have earned and give one of our state’s most vulnerable populations a shot at future success. Up to 10% of children in Missouri’s foster care system are eligible for Social Security and other benefits, however, they are unable to access these funds because the state absorbs these dollars to reimburse expenses the child has incurred. These children should not be expected to pay for their own care; that’s the responsibility of State of Missouri. My proposal increases fairness and transparency while giving foster kids the financial boost they need to transition to adulthood and gain independence. This bill was carried by my 27th District predecessor and came close to passing last session. On Feb. 13, the Missouri House of Representatives advanced its companion bill, so I’m hopeful one of these bills makes it to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.
My squatters’ bill made progress on Feb. 18 when it passed out of committee. Senate Bill 168 will help property owners remove people who are unlawfully occupying their vacant commercial buildings or land through ex parte orders. The act shortens the time to file a petition and strengthens the penalties for those who are found guilty.
Welcoming Folks from Back Home to the Dome
Needless to say, inclement weather prevented most people from traveling to Jefferson City this week. I do want to take this opportunity to thank the few who braved the conditions and testified at hearings. Your participation in the legislative process is so important, and I applaud those who weigh in and offer their expertise.