Rep. Friess introduces legislation to repeal Illinois’ FOID Card requirement

RED BUD, IL – Illinois State Representative David Friess has filed House Bill 1232, a measure that would repeal the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card Act in Illinois.


“Illinois remains one of the few states in the nation that imposes this extra layer of bureaucracy on responsible gun owners,” said Rep. Friess. “The FOID card is redundant and unnecessary, as all legal gun purchases are already subject to federal background checks. This legislation would make it so that law-abiding citizens can exercise their Second Amendment rights without government overreach.”


If passed, HB1232 would not change existing federal background check requirements or any regulations regarding concealed carry permits.


“We must protect the constitutional rights of Illinois citizens,” said Rep. Friess. “Responsible gun owners have been under attack by the Illinois government, and it’s time to VOID the FOID!”


HB1232 is now under consideration in the Illinois General Assembly.


Rep. Friess proudly serves the people of the 115th District.