PERRYVILLE – To raise awareness about food insecurity in Perry County, the Perry County Extension Council and Mercy Hospital – Perry invite the community to participate in the third annual Feeding Perry County Food Drive. The food drive will be held from February through April with a specific nutrient-dense item being requested each month.
- February – Protein (canned meat, canned or dry bean, nut butters, etc.)
- March – Fruits and Vegetables
- April – Whole Grains (brown rice, whole grain pasta, crackers, etc.)
All items collected will be distributed to food pantries in Perry County along with simple, healthy recipes to match the items donated. A total of 1,560 pounds of food has been collected over the past two years and distributed to local pantries that provide assistance to children, adults, and senior citizens in our community.
All donations can be brought to the Perry County Extension Office located at 321 N Main Street in Perryville during regular business hours. (8:00-noon and 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday) or taken to Mercy Hospital Perry at 434 North West Steet in Perryville where a donation box will be located inside the front door.
If you are an individual or business interested in supporting this effort with a monetary donation, please contact the Perry County Extension Office at 573-547-4504.