Beta Lambda Chapter of ADK holds its fifth meeting of 2024-2025

January 14, 2025

The fifth meeting of Alpha Delta Kappa, Beta Lambda chapter was held for the year 2024-25. President Glenda Gremaud called the meeting to order. This month’s theme was Move Forward in Grace. Thirty members were in attendance.

Sara Bess explaining soap making process.


In our Program, we had a guest, Sara Bess with Graceful Goat Soap. Each member in attendance stamped their own soap and highlighted it with mica color. Sarah’s story into creating Graceful Goat Soap company was inspiring.


New member Joanie Emundson being inducted into Beta Lambda chapter.


We held an induction ceremony for our newest member Joanie from Cape Girardeau. Joanie also joined us at our Christmas party.


The roll call question this month was from Glenda Mueller “What is your favorite snow day thing to do – with or without electricity?”


Hostesses for the evening were Mary Kutz, Carrie Preston, Kathe Ramsey and Julie Robles.


Hospitality for the evening was Hayley Kasten and Nancy Reisenbichler.


Glenda Mueller read the devotional “A devotional for a sorority” by Lula Lemay.


Minutes were accepted as sent with the move by Cheryl Layton and seconded by Brenda Smith.


The treasurer’s report was sent out and filed for audit. In December we made $257 at the pound auction at the Christmas part. We made $160 at Beef O Brady’s and presented the check to PCSD 32 for the Friday Backpack program.


In Correspondence we received a thank you card from MO National Veterans Memorial and a thank you from Michelle House.


In Altruistic, we collected $1 per member for Lucas’ Playground. A reminder that the forms for tallying your time and donations in the name of ADK are due next month. The new year starts in March. Members were reminded of all the Tuesday’s we volunteered in October.


In Membership, Cheryl Layton presented the Violet (10 year) award to Karen Bahr.


In Scholarship – we have received one grant application. Ladies were asked to please reshare on Facebook and talk in your buildings.


In Old Business -A reminder that the Cape Veteran’s Breakfast will be March 15, from 8-9 am at the American Legion in Cape Girardeau. A donation to Fly Me Home of $100 was presented to Amy (from the November program).


During the Senior Center Bingo, Glenda was also approached by the Board Director. Board members are needed on the Senior Center Board, you must be at least 60 years old and willing to be an active participant in their work. Please look for an email from Glenda Gremaud for more information.


Our visit to Beef O’ Brady’s raised $148.38 plus a few donations to go to the school backpack program. One application for membership from Joanie Emundson, from Alma Schrader was accepted and voted on. Please look for an email from Cheryl Layton for your voting opportunity. If she is approved, it was suggested that we invite her to the Christmans party in December and initiate her in January.


After a move from Joyce Moll and a second from Dana Hogard, members voted to donate $100 to the Fly Me Home organization from our Program. $200 was in our budget to go to Fly Me Home and the Transplant Organization.


No new business this month.


The Birthday in January was TSarah Hansen. We also celebrated the half birthdays of Glenda Gremaud, Carrie Preston, Julie Robles, Nancy Reisenbichler, Karen Bahr, and our newest member Joanie.


The Raffle was won by Glenda Mueller


Please mark your calendars now for the Mayfest Baby Contest on May 10


The meeting was adjourned after a move from Tammy Lukefahr and a second by Jayne Bohnert.


Dinner prayer was led by Glenda Mueller.


Our next meeting will be February 11, at the Catalyst Center


Respectfully submitted, Karen Krieger