Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen votes to proceed with possible  leasing of land to MAC for new tech outreach facility

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen last night approved on a 7-0-1 vote a resolution which indicates the city’s interest in leasing land along Progress Parkway to Mineral Area College for construction of an educational facility to be known as MAC Tech Outreach.


The positive vote allows MAC to seek a state grant to fund the project.


According to the resolution, the MAC Tech Center will provide vocational, technical training as well as other class instruction as needed.


MAC states there is a need for this type of education within the MAC District along the I-55 corridor.


If the project moves forward, the city would enter into a 20-year lease for 5-7 acres of land for $30,000 an acre.