STE, GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Planning and Zoning Commission met Thursday and approved a request from Patrick Fahey to develop an RV park in the 100 block of Front Street in an area zoned for Light Industrial.
The draft minutes of the meeting were released Friday.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri
January 2, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Gary Roth, Chairman Anthony Grass Carl Kinsky Justin Donovan Junie Ewing Kathleen Waltz Gerald Bauman Alderman Joe Prince
Call to Order at 6:02 pm by Chairman Gary Roth.
Roll Call: Commissioners Gary Roth, Anthony Grass, Carl Kinsky, Justin Donovan, and Jerry Bauman were present at roll call; Commissioner Junie Ewing was present via Zoom. Asst. City Administrator David Bova was also present. Commissioner Kathy Waltz and Alderman Joe Prince were absent.
Approval of the Agenda: Comm. Donovan made a Motion to Approve the agenda as presented; Commissioner Grass seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-2.
Approval of the Minutes: Commissioner Kinsky made a Motion to Approve the minutes of the November 7, 2024 meeting as presented; Commissioner Donovan seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-2.
Introduction of Evidence: Mr. Bova presented the Ste. Genevieve Municipal Code, the Ste. Genevieve Comprehensive Plan, and the Staff Report and supporting documents for the request. Comm. Donovan made a Motion to Approve the acceptance of the evidence as presented; Commissioner Kinsky seconded the motion, which passed 6-0-2.
Old Business: None
New Business: SUP003-25. Patrick Fahey, Main Street Inn LLC is requesting a Special Use Permit to allow an RV Park business in an I-1 Light Industrial District at 198 Front Street (yard and field surrounding house). Mr. Patrick Fahey was present and answered some questions regarding his application. Comm. Kinsky asked about prior applications for RV Parks in the downtown area; Mr. Bova discussed SUP003-20 which was approved by P&Z but denied by the Board of Alderman due to part of the proposed park lying within a Commercial District instead of a Light Industrial District.
It was discussed that there was also organized opposition to the location of the RV Park, but not the idea of an RV Park in general. Comm. Donovan noted that there was a concern with the prior proposal that generators would be loud because not all sites would have electric hookups whereas Mr. Fahey’s proposal includes utilities at each site.
Mr. Fahey noted that all sites will have water and electric but only half will have sewer, however there will be a sewer dump station also. Comm. Grass asked if there was any feedback from neighbors; Mr. Bova stated there had been none.
Comm. Roth asked how the electricity would be installed and Mr. Bova stated there would be outlets at each RV site but the electric panel and disconnect switch would be installed at a minimum of 2’ above the Base Flood Elevation, which would be approximately 5’ above the ground. Comm. Donovan discussed multiple Missouri State Parks that lie within the floodplain and have a similar type of setup with utility connections at each site, but the electric panel elevated.
Comm. Ewing asked if there would be restrictions on animals within the RV park as there are a lot of walkers in that area; Mr. Bova replied that there is a municipal leash law that must be followed,
and that rule can be included in the RV Park rules.
Mr. Bova also read some of the SUP terms and conditions that reiterate that municipal ordinances must be followed including regulations on recreational fires, off-street parking, and noise. Mr. Fahey stated that there are also future plans for a dog park area within the RV Park during a future phase.
Comm. Ewing also suggested vegetation to beautify the area and create a barrier to the street view of the park. Mr. Fahey stated there are plans to add some bushes and trees, but also stated that none of the RV sites will set close to Front Street; they are all planned at the rear of the house and further back.
Comm. Donovan made a Motion to Recommend Approval of the Special Use Permit to the Board of Aldermen which was seconded by Comm. Kinsky and passed 6-0-2.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Comm. Kinsky made a Motion to Adjourn. Commissioner Donovan seconded the motion which passed 6-0-2, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:14 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
David Bova,
Assistant City Administrator