New picnic tables for SG county fair grounds

by Karen Stuppy

STE. GENEVIEVE – The picnic tables have arrived and have been placed at the fairgrounds. These picnic tables were obtained through a grant through the Department of Natural Resources through their scrap tire grant program.

They are of 100% recycled material and are definitely made to last. They look great and are very durable and will last for many years. This provides more seating for our fair goers to take a break, listen to the music or just to relax.

This grant was 100% paid for with no county funds or fair board monies used to purchase these tables. This would not have been possible without the help of the Southeast Mo Regional staff who wrote the grant, my fellow commissioners, Mark Marberry, Randy Ruzicka, Ste. Gen County Fair board, with extra help from David Bova and Jean Werner.

Also, the Ste. Gen County Road and Bridge Department for their help with assemble, transport and placement. It is always great to see improvement projects at the fair grounds and these tables are definitely a wonderful asset to the grounds. It is always great to see people come together to make a project happen to improve our county properties and help provide a seating area to our county fairgrounds.

Please make yourself comfortable on these picnic tables and enjoy the social gathering with friends and family around the table to enjoy the county fair for many years to come.