New CHS plaque honors Prof. James Franklin Sharp

CHESTER — A plaque honoring Chester Community Unit School District 139 benefactor Professor James Franklin Sharp has been installed on the front of the Chester, Illinois High School Colbert Gymnasium Building.


The plaque is between the center double doors and right double doors, that enter into the Professor Sharp Cafeteria & Entrance Lobby.




The plaque indicates:


That Professor Sharp has been an Educator, Entrepreneur, Investor, and Philanthropist.

That he lives and works in New York City.

That he has been honored by Chester High School, SIU, University of Illinois, and Purdue University.

That he was a Professor at Rutgers, NYU, and Pace Universities.

That he had Management Positions at AT&T and Sharp Seminars In NY.

That he has written 36 books and has written many articles.

That he has achieved the Professional Designations of CFA, CIPM, CMA, CFM, and Mensa.

That he was President of Local and National Professional Groups.

That more than 100 articles have been written about him.


Prof. Sharp is a graduate of both Chester Grade School and Chester High School and over the years has made several donations to the schools along with another Prof. Sharp’s alma mater, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.