CARBONDALE – John and Nancy Jackson’s names are synonymous with education and service around Southern Illinois University and the city of Carbondale. Those names will soon be honored at the John and Nancy Jackson Lobby at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute.

At 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, at the institute, located at 1231 Lincoln Drive on Southern’s campus, the public is invited to join the naming celebration. After a few remarks, a reception will follow with light refreshments.
John and Nancy Jackson have shown unwavering dedication to the university and the Carbondale community for more than 50 years. In 2002, the couple was named Carbondale Citizens of the Year.
“We are so proud to honor John and Nancy Jackson in this space that meant so much to them at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute,” said Chancellor Austin Lane. “It’s vitally important that we take time to recognize the contributions of time, talent and treasure that both John and Nancy have shared with the university and the Carbondale community.”
Dr. John Jackson first came to Southern in 1969 as a lecturer. He has served the university in many capacities, including interim chancellor, vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and associate dean and acting dean of the graduate school. He also served as visiting professor at the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute and edited “Southern Illinois at 150 Years: Growth, Accomplishments, and Challenges,” which details the history of the region and university.
Nancy Jackson earned her master’s degree in elementary education from Southern in 1982. She taught for many years in the Carbondale Public School system, focusing largely on reading. She spearheaded the “Book in Every Home” program on the SIU Carbondale campus, which collects books to provide to local children. Through the program, tens of thousands of books have been donated.
The Jacksons and others have combined to contribute more than $50,000 to endow the John S. and Nancy Jackson Scholarship Endowment Fund, which provides scholarships to political science students in the College of Liberal Arts. To donate to that fund in honor of the Jacksons, visit and search for “John S. and Nancy Jackson Scholarship” in the designation menu.