Staying Connected

By Jackie Dover

My kids are all adults now, the twins are 18 and they are spreading their wings and venturing out in the big world. This leaves me thinking of ways to stay connected to my kids and keep them connected to the family. One thing we have done as a family for many years is to make sure we have a family dinner at least once a week. Sunday is the day we all come together and cook a sit-down meal, no dining and dashing or grabbing something as a pass through. Having this day scheduled allows all of us to plan around it and we get to have time to reconnect and share what is happening in our lives.


For the family that is unable to be there in person, we connect electronically. Having phone conversations on scheduled days might initially sound like a chore and not very fun but it really becomes an anticipated part of the day or week. Knowing that I get to spend time and catch up on what is going on with my Mom, brother or son who is on the other side of the world gives me great pleasure.


Beyond a mere phone call technology has given us video calls through FaceTime, Facebook Messenger and even programs like Zoom. They allow us to have the ability to see our friends and family and where they are. Just having the ability to see where my son is living and that he is doing laundry or at least hiding it from me makes this mom proud.


For those who are technology challenged setting up group chats with various family members can keep everyone connected to each other with very little work or tech knowledge. The ability to share pictures and family updates in one message that goes to a group of your choosing is an easy and efficient way to stay connected.


My oldest this year asked for a different kind of present for his birthday, he wanted me to make a family cookbook. I think that is a great idea and have been reaching out to family members for recipes that everyone wants included and a story to go with it if possible, maybe even a photo. This has grown into a large project with all the family involved and several extra requests for a finished book. This will be a great legacy for my kids, nieces, nephews, and maybe grandkids.


Many people don’t know this yet, but I will be a grandma for the first time soon. I am super excited about this and cannot wait for baby Squish to make their appearance. My daughter-in-law has acquired some books for the grandparents to write their story. I think that is such a tremendous idea for everyone. It gives an actual first person account of some of the important life events and lets family know the story of how they became a family.


Staying connected to family and friends has many benefits for everyone but seniors specifically. Reducing isolation and loneliness can also reduce the risk of depression, heart disease and cognitive issues. Staying connected enriches the lives of all family members and friends and helps create a legacy for future generations.


If you have questions about aging services, please call Aging Matters, 800-392-8771.





Jackie Dover

Public Information Director, Aging Matters

1078 Wolverine, Suite J

Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

(573) 335.3331, Ext. 113

(573) 335.3017 fax