Ste. Genevieve Eagles donate to Special Olympics Team

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Eagles Aerie 4336 recently held a Benefit BBQ raising $2,100—with all proceeds donated to the Ste. Genevieve Special Olympics Team!


The benefit was held in honor of Archie Basler, Jr.

Each year, Ste. Genevieve R-II students participating on the Special Olympics Team compete in the Southeast Missouri Olympic Games.


“There’s an incredible amount of support and dedication that goes into making these events a reality—from the athletes themselves to the volunteers and donors, coordinators and families, and countless others behind the scenes,” Special Olympics Coach Jessica Fallert said. “This incredible support uplifts our entire team, ensuring our athletes have the resources they need to perform their best. We are beyond fortunate to be part of such a compassionate community that not only believes in our athletes but actively empowers them to shine.”

Special Olympics Missouri

Special Olympics Missouri is a year-round program of sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Thousands of athletes participate in 16 Olympic-type sports throughout the state. Special Olympics provides people with intellectual disabilities continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy as they participate in the sharing of gifts and friendship with their fellow athletes, their family and friends and communities across Missouri.