GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve volunteers for National Day of Service

STE. GENEVIEVE – The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) is united in its dedication to volunteer community service. The GFWC National Day of Service was launched in 2023 to spotlight need in communities across the nation and around to world to bring about positive change. This year the focus is on food insecurity and hunger, and clubs were asked to organize Community Service Programs in their communities to raise public awareness and gather the resources necessary to help those in need.


Not only did the GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve answer the call, but they were the first club to do so nationwide.  Incoming Club President Dorcas Grass commended clubwomen for “living the volunteer spirit” and emphasized the importance of the GFWC’s efforts to end hunger in the United States.  The National Day of Service is September 28th, and Program Chairwoman, Debbie Kirchner, announced a Food Drive for those in need at the recent Club meeting. 


Drop-off bins will be available from September 22 through the 28th at Country Mart, Save-A-Lot and both locations of the Bank of Bloomsdale.  Donated food will be distributed through St. Vincent de Paul and the First Baptist Church of Ste. Genevieve by Woman’s Club volunteers.  Last year the Woman’s Club collected hundreds of food items to ward off the food insecurity experienced in our area, and this year the need is even greater.  Please help if you can. 


For more information on becoming part of the GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve, please contact Club President Dorcas Grass by email at The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is an international woman’s organization dedicated to community improvements by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.