St. Louis District Dairy Council
ST. LOUIS – September is Better Breakfast Month, and, with school back in full swing, there is no better time to shed light on the nutrition chocolate milk brings to the breakfast table. Breakfast has long been called the most important meal of the day and for good reason.
“Breakfast is the first nutrition opportunity of the day and a chance to get more of several foods that may be lacking in our diets, like dairy, fruits and whole grains,” Jessica Kassel, nutrition educator and registered dietitian for the St. Louis District Dairy Council, said. “These foods pack a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.”
While Americans may be “in the know” about the nutritional need for breakfast, including boosted brainpower for kids at school, many still skip the morning meal due to lack of time. Morning schedules can make for hectic households, with families rushing out the door for work and school. This is where school breakfast comes in handy for families.
“Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, nutrition professionals develop school menus that offer the right balance of fruits, vegetables, milk (including flavored milk), whole grains and lean protein with every breakfast and lunch served,” Kassel said. One of the most popular and nutritious breakfast items on the school menu is chocolate milk. Sharing evidence of the health benefits of flavored milk helps to clear up misconceptions about its place in school meals.
“With 13 essential nutrients, flavored milk is a key player in school nutrition,” Kassel said. “Many people may not realize that chocolate and strawberry milk offer the same vitamins, minerals and protein as white milk.”
Offering flavored milk on school menus provides students with a regular source of food to meet three nutrients that are often lacking in their diets: calcium, vitamin D and potassium.
These nutrients play a crucial role in healthy growth and development. Students whose nutritional needs are met perform better overall in school and receive higher grades. Another myth surrounding flavored milk is that it is a major contributor of added sugar to students’ diets.
However, the chocolate milk served in schools is specially formulated to contain less sugar. During the 2023-24 school year, chocolate milk contained 7.4 grams of added sugar, which is 50% less than what was served 18 years ago. Today’s school chocolate milk has just 27.7 more calories than white milk, while offering the same essential nutrients that are key to a healthy diet.
Flavored milk offers a tasty option to help students reach their daily nutrient requirements. So, get ready to let your kids sip, savor and shine by boosting their breakfast’s nutrition with chocolate milk!
For more information on the health benefits of chocolate milk and dairy, visit and download our new “Boost the School Day with Chocolate Milk” resource or contact St. Louis District Dairy Council at (314)-835-9668, or at
For delicious and nutritious recipes, check us out on Facebook or Instagram at STLDairyCouncil. ### About the St. Louis District Dairy Council The St. Louis District Dairy Council (SLDDC) is a nonprofit nutrition education organization funded by local dairy farmers.
Since 1932, SLDDC has served 131 counties in central/southern Illinois and eastern Missouri as the go-to educational resource and advocate for the role of dairy foods as part of a healthful diet. As The Nutrition Education People, we are proud to spread knowledge to local communities, bridging the gap between local dairy farmers and consumers. The staff is comprised of professionals with experience in nutrition, food service management, education and communications, and we take pride in delivering engaging programs throughout the communities we serve.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
Create a better breakfast with a delicious power-packed smoothie! This quick-fix drink is sure to win over the entire family and nourish them, too.
With the 13 essential nutrients of chocolate milk and an extra boost of protein from yogurt and peanut butter, your loved ones will be fueled up and ready to take on the day!
Servings: 2
Total Time: 10 minutes
Ingredients 1 cup chocolate milk 1 frozen banana ½ cup plain yogurt 2 tablespoons peanut butter
Directions In a blender, combine chocolate milk, banana, peanut butter and yogurt. Purée until smooth.
Pour into 2 glasses.