SGMLC presents program on the Old Academy

The Sainte Genevieve Museum Learning Center’s (SGMLC) next speaker presentation will be Wednesday, August 28th at 7 p.m. The program, sponsored by Chip Marzuco and Marzuco Electric,  will focus on Ste. Genevieve’s Old Academy. The Old Academy dates back to 1808 and few structures in the early 1800s compared to the Academy in size and quality of construction. Frank Rolfe will walk us through the rich history of one of Ste. Genevieve’s most famous buildings.

-It was the first public institution of higher education in America west of the Mississippi.
-Firmin Rozier raised his family in the Academy.
-John James Audubon birds were discovered in this building
-It was the site of the first hanging in Missouri west of the Mississippi
and much more!

Museum presentations are free to museum members, otherwise, museum
admission will apply.